Are you considering becoming a health coach and wondering can I actually make fun of you doing this?
In this video, I'm going to share with you whether you can make money as health coach
and also how you can do it if you decide to pursue this route.
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So today I want to talk about health coaching. Most frequently asked question I get is,
can I really make money as a health coach? Are you playing me? Well, one thing that I
want to say before I really answer this question is to share a mistake that can be really helpful to
avoid, which is comparing yourself to other people while still figuring out whether you can actually
have a career in health coaching. Often, it's one of the other. So for example,
you're looking at really successful health coaches and you're seeing them killing it. You're seeing them
on Instagram, on YouTube. You're seeing their books out, is bestselling books, and you're thinking
they're crushing it. I would never be as good as them. Or you're on the complete opposite of the
scale. And you're thinking, I am not that good. I've seen some people fail. I've seen a lot of people
struggle. And I don't want a career in a life of struggle. I want to help people in their health.
I want them to be happy, but I also need to get paid in order to support my family and make it worth
my time as well. And I totally get it. But here's the thing. It's going to be really difficult
for you to figure out whether this is the right career for you and whether you can make money doing it.
If you're really focused on other people, what you really need to do is focus on yourself and on
whether you have the drive that you need to make money out of this career. Because that's what it's
really about. It's whether you have the drive and the skills and the ability to make it work.
It's not that health coaching is in effect hard. It's just whether it's the right fit for you.
So I'm going to share with you a few things that will help you figure out whether you can personally
kill it in this industry. The first thing to think about is there are two ways of making money
from being a health coach. You can either get hired by a company to work as a health coach or you can
start your own business. Different people do better in different situations, but that's not to say
that if you are scared of running a business, you can't do it. You definitely can and I'll talk
about that part a little bit later. But let's first talk about getting hired as a health coach.
Did you know that there are multiple ways that you can actually get hired as a health coach
first, you need a certification. If you haven't gotten certified and you're thinking about
where to get certified, I do have a separate video on how to know where to get certified. If you
want to watch that video click on the link above. But once you're certified, you can actually
just have a look on your search websites and type in health coach and see what local jobs are
available in your area. Sometimes they are practices like health coaching practices that are
looking for health coaches to join the team. Other times you can actually join a doctors office
and this is usually helpful if there's an integrative doctor who understands how someone's health
is also connected to the way they eat and the way they live and all of doctors don't have
time or the resources to advise someone on that. So what they do is they sometimes hire health coaches
to actually work in their practice to better help their clients achieve the results that they need
to achieve to be healthy. You can also work for a magazine as an health editor. You can also work as
a health coach at a fitness studio or at a gym or at a yoga studio. Point is that there are
variety of options. Now do you have a free course on how to become a certified health coach?
So if you want to check out that course, it's totally free. It's the free training,
five emails that help you get clean weather health coaching is right for you and how to get
paid as a health coach. Simply click on the link in the description box below because I go into
more depth into the different ways you can get hired there. The next way you can get hired is by
running your own business. Now you've probably already come across this and you're thinking,
I don't know anything about business. I just want to be a health coach and I totally totally
get it. When I first started my business and coaching people, I was so nervous because I
just thought how am I going to create a program, how am I going to sell a program? How do I get
clients? Am I supposed to have an accountant? How am I going to do my company taxes? I was just so
overwhelmed and then I quickly realized that there was no need for me to be overwhelmed because
everyone that starts in business starts with knowing absolutely nothing and there's a misconception
that if you went to business school that you have a serious advantage but the reality is
they had tons of people who've gone to business school and failed and the tons of people who have
not gone to business school and actually been more successful in business than business graduates. So
the important thing isn't whether you know enough to go into business. In fact, I have a separate
video on how to build a business from scratch. If you watch that video, I hope that we'll give you
confidence that this is definitely something you can do. Creating a business is beneficial and that
it helps you to reach as many people as possible and you get to choose how you want to work with
people so you can work with people one-on-one, you can work with people in groups, you can work
people online, you can work with people face-to-face, you can do online courses, you can do training
programs, there's so many different ways you can do it, you can also create health products. Now in
terms of how much money you can make, it really varies and it varies according to a variety of things.
One, it varies on whether you're hired over the year on a business. So if you're hired, it just
depends on what area you live in and it depends on how many hours you're working and what job you're
applying for. But some people can earn from 20,000 pounds to maybe 60,000 pounds per year on a job
that they've been hired to do. If you are running your business, you can make nothing and you can also
make literally six or seven figures every single year and whether you make zero or six or seven
figures depends on whether you figure out how to grow a profitable business and that's all that
it is, it's do you figure it out. Now one thing that I always believe in is a growth mindset. This is
a term coined by a Carol Dweck, which he basically says that there's a difference between someone
with a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. Some of the growth mindset sees that whatever problems
are they're facing, whatever challenges they have that they can learn and they can figure it out,
with every bit of practice, every attempt they learn more and they get better and they eventually
figure it out. And that's what really really helps you when you're creating your business,
this is a mindset that you can grow and you can figure things out because you really can.
It's not rocket science and even if it were rocket science, it's still figure out of all, right?
But if you have a fixed mindset, which is I can't do this and I can't learn, well,
excuse my language but no shit, of course you're not going to learn. If you're saying,
I can't do this and I can't learn how to do it. So it's all about your mindset. I'll
hear a few other things that really help to contribute to your success, whether you go to
get hired or whether you start their own business. First thing is having a curiosity to learn.
So being curious about how to grow your health, coaching business or being curious about how to get
hired and what skills you need in order to get hired for a job and your local area just be really
curious about learning that and you will get hired where you will have a profitable business.
The second thing is to also use branding. Branding is one of those things that can really
really help you because it can help you attract your dream clients. If you position yourself as an
expert in the area that you want your clients to call you for and the area that you think your
clients need, then you'll start to attract clients. And once you have clients coming through your
door and once they're paying for your services, then you're ready in a good position. It might
be the only chance that it would be how can I grow the business. But that is a good problem to
have rather than having no clients at all. So definitely definitely definitely work on your branding
because that's the first thing that really helps you get the clients that you need. And if you're
getting hired, the way that you brand yourself can help you get the job. So branding is essential.
And last but not least, it's also being resilient. The more resilient you are, the more successful
you be in the industry. This role isn't for people who want things ahead of them. This isn't
for someone who wants a kind of nine to five job and to clock in clock out. Not because it's a
job that requires you to work a long, long hours. But what I am trying to say is that it's the type of
job that you should only really pursue if you're passionate about it. If you're passionate about it,
you will have the drive to figure it out. And if you figure it out, it's one of the most
rewarding and fulfilling things you can do with your career, just ever. Anyways, those are my
thoughts on whether you can really make money as a health coach. If you have any questions about
being a health coach, simply leave a comment in the box below. I would love to know.
Anyways, thank you so much for watching this video. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up.
I can't wait to hear from you. And I shall see you again next week. All right, bye. Thank you so much for
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The subject of this content is the feasibility of a career in health coaching. It delves into whether it's possible to make money as a health coach, and if so, how to achieve it. A crucial point made is the importance of avoiding the trap of comparing oneself to other people while still figuring out whether one can have a successful career in this field. This comparison often leads to feelings of inadequacy or discouragement due to seeing others who seem more accomplished. The content suggests that each individual should focus on their own strengths, goals, and motivations rather than measuring themselves against the success of others. It also highlights that being a health coach doesn't necessarily mean one will have an easy career or earn significant income; it can be challenging and require dedication. However, for those genuinely interested in helping people with their health and well-being, this profession might be rewarding on both personal and financial levels. The content emphasizes the need to weigh the pros and cons of pursuing a career as a health coach, taking into account one's skills, goals, and what they hope to achieve in this field.