Hello there health coaches, how many of you have a stack of business cards sitting around that you hardly ever use?
I've thrown away box after box of business cards through the years.
So today I want to share what you can use instead.
How to handle the whole business card situation.
In fact, I have three ideas that I can't wait to share with you.
But before we do that, are you finding this podcast helpful?
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Back to business cards for today, though, or rather the idea of not using business cards.
So this question came up recently among my healthy profit university members.
Now, I don't know if you know this, but every week I hold a live office hours, style,
or mentorship type call for my HP you members.
And in this episode, I'm about to share a small snippet from one of our calls.
When Kathy is so lovely, I just adore her.
She came to the call and she asked, what can she give people when they express interest in her business?
She felt like she needed something to give them maybe, like a business card.
So I gave Kathy two alternatives that work really well.
And you're going to hear those in just a minute, then at the end, I have one more bonus idea to add on for you.
So stick around for that because it has been a game changer in my own business.
You want business cards, is that what you're saying to me, Kathy?
Is that, is that, so I'm older than you, just by a month probably.
I just didn't know if, because that's the cool thing that you want to have,
because I don't want to get into detail with a flyer per se.
I want to be able to talk.
But like the other day, I think I shared that I had met somebody.
If she was a teacher and she was at the pharmacy at Walmart, you know, she's busy,
but at the same time she's asking me, oh, my word, I'm really interested in this,
and I know people in love of law, right your phone number down.
So I did, but I didn't really like that.
I'd rather have something concrete to give people.
So, right, in short, right, what's your recommendation?
Here's my recommendation.
Because you know, well, did you call you first of all?
No, and I know what she is, and she knows me, like, not well,
but we've taught together back in the day.
And so I don't, I do feel comfortable going back in there.
I really feel like she meant what she said.
So it's not a lost cause, but totally.
People mean it, right, even if you had a business card, and they take it, or whatever.
Like they do, they mean well in that moment, but, you know, we're business cards end up
the bottom of your purse coming from.
Yeah, they do.
So what I, what I was doing for a lot, what I have done for very long time is when someone shows
any type of interest, I ask for their email address.
Oh, I like that.
I kind of find like, I mean, it could just be like, I'll email you.
But it, like, we usually we got there somehow.
We were talking about something, like in this case, how did you even get into the conversation about
Oh, well, I'm not teaching anymore.
I'm doing what I, my heart is, you know, I'm happy in this health.
And wellness.
And then she's like, what do you do?
And then there we go.
And she's like, oh, yes, I really want information.
And I know people.
So maybe she's having difficulty with her fill in the blank health issue.
Wait, sure.
So I would come up with something that you could center.
Like a reason to get her email address.
You know, I could say, like, oh, I have, you know, like Lisa could say, oh, I have this podcast
episode, you know, about that, you know, they can send to you.
Or I have a blog post, right?
Can I have a blog post that I think you'd be interested in?
Or I have a recipe book or I have it like whatever.
You know, even if it's not your stuff, even if it's like you're going to, you know, refer
them to a product or, you know, whatever.
Sometimes people have gone to a conversation because they're like, did you make these cookies?
And I'm like, I did.
And they're green free.
And then, you know, we'll, I'll send you the recipe.
So anyway, you take the ownership of, like, you're going to take the next step.
Because they're just going to put it in their purse.
That's the end of it.
And then when you email them, you have a reason.
It's not just, you know, I'm just calling to connect and, you know,
here's that thing I told you about.
I like that.
A lot.
Thank you.
I knew you'd have an answer.
I mean, I mean, I think I just started doing it because I didn't,
I didn't have a business card and I haven't come up with a way to get in touch with people.
And I think business cards were the answer.
So see, I asked the right question today.
I like this so much more as a, and then it's good to ask a question and easy question.
I'm sending you.
Are you looking to accomplish XYZ this year?
When is your daughter's wedding again?
Or like something that's like an easy thing that they can answer?
That way they are inclined to do so.
And then you have a conversation.
Yeah, and then the second thing I wanted to tell everybody about in terms of business cards is,
again, we just started doing this up the conference last month is using an app for a digital business card.
And I don't have my phone up here.
I would just show you what it looks like.
But if you go to high hello.
It's just an app that I downloaded for free.
And it will allow you to make a digital business card very, very easily.
Do you want to give a card?
Basically, you just pull up a QR code and somebody scans it.
And then they can save the contact directly to their contacts.
Which is cool.
It doesn't mean they're going to do anything with it.
But it does serve that purpose.
Because I really feel like paper business cards are a big waste.
Thank you.
There you have it.
A peak into what it's like to have your questions answered.
Inside Healthy Profit University.
And to very good alternatives to standard business cards.
What do you think?
I got a third idea.
But I just have to share with you as a bonus.
Kind of goes along with the same theme.
See, the most traction that you're ever going to get in your business is with the people you know.
Your connections.
Your network.
Now, sometimes these people may become a client.
Very often they're going to be able to connect you to clients in one way or another.
In any case.
It's one thing for you to exchange a business card one time or a digital business card or an email or two.
It's another to make someone a regular part of your world reaching out to them over and over and developing a relationship over time.
Anybody in sales knows this by the way.
Like, this is the number one way to drive business.
And I know we are health coaches.
And we hate like when I just said in sales, you probably went, oh, I don't want to be in sales.
Now, none of us do.
But think of it this way.
We are absolutely in the business of building relationships.
It's all about relationship.
So, recently.
I started using an inexpensive service.
It's called DAXDEX.
It's short for roll-a-dex.
And if you're old like me, you will remember roll-a-dex.
You know, just sitting on the desk, sitting in your parents' office, maybe depending on what age you are.
DAX keeps track of your contacts.
And it also keeps track of when you last spoke to them automatically.
It's really cool.
But the magic is that you can set a reminder to refresh your connection with people after a given length of time.
Like one month or three months or, you know, whatever period of time you set.
So, DEX sends me a reminder, like, hey, you haven't touched Facebook so-and-so for a while.
And that prompts me in like two seconds to just shoot them a little emails.
Say hello.
Maybe try to set up a coffee date, or even just comment on their social media post so that they see me.
And they remember me.
It just keeps the connection alive.
So, that is my bonus tip for you today.
Don't let your connections be a one-and-done affair.
The value of your network is going to pay off over time if you nurture it.
And DEX is a really great tool.
I highly recommend it and you can get started for free at healthcoachpower.com slash DEX.
All right.
Enjoy your summertime, everyone.
And if you are currently seeking to add more clients to your health coaching business,
we would love to send you our Healthy Profit University blueprint free of charge.
Email support at healthcoachpower.com and we will get it right over to you.
The content focuses on the idea of business cards and their place in modern professional settings. It's suggested that many people have a stack of unused business cards, implying that they may not be as effective as they once were. The author proposes three alternative ideas to traditional business cards, which are likely to be more practical and efficient for networking purposes. These alternatives might involve using other materials or methods to facilitate connections with potential clients or partners. The content is specifically targeted at health coaches, who often rely on business cards to promote their services. However, the principles discussed can be applied to various industries and professions where networking is essential. The ideas presented are likely to be valuable for anyone looking to improve their professional network and find more effective ways to connect with others in their field.