As a qualified Marketing Manager HF, you will take on specialist and management tasks in the marketing departments of large companies or SMEs. You plan marketing activities and implement projects to achieve the company's or marketing objectives. As a generalist, the qualified marketing manager HF is responsible for sub-areas of marketing. They detect trends and conduct intensive market research. They also check whether the expectations of the market and consumers can be realized in line with the company's product and service development process.
In accordance with the objectives of the company management, the graduate marketing manager HF determines a product as well as the target markets and sets the marketing strategy. Together with the sales management, they plan the marketing concept up to the conclusion of the sale and implement it. In the event of deviations from targets, they must immediately initiate corrective measures. By offering high quality products and increased environmental management, they make a significant contribution to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
As a qualified Marketing Manager HF, you will ensure efficient processes in production, procurement and logistics. You will also support those responsible in the areas of distribution and sales management, thereby making a significant contribution to achieving the specified corporate goals. In addition, they have comprehensive knowledge of business and financial management. They prepare budgets for their area of work, work out key figures and evaluate them. Based on the results, they check the profitability of a project and justify the investments to the management.
In the dipl. Marketing Manager HF course, practice is the top priority. The primary goal of the HFLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is to prepare students for their professional future and thus provide them with the tools for a successful career. For this reason, the title of dipl. Marketingmanager HF is highly respected in the business world. The HFLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is strongly anchored in Central Switzerland and is in constant exchange with business representatives from the region.