Dipl. Legal Specialist HF

Dipl. Legal Specialist HF

Provider: Higher Business School Graubünden

CHF 3’300
3 years
Novice level
Federal diploma / higher technical examination



The College of Law is the legal education for practitioners. There is a growing need to be able to deal competently with legal issues in business and administration. The HF Law course closes an important gap in the range of higher professional schools.
Prospective legal specialists acquire a sound legal knowledge and use their social and methodological skills to solve legal problems. In doing so, they provide competent advice to internal and external clients.
Upon completion of the reference course in 2022, successful graduates already have the path to a Bachelor in Law at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences open to them.

Target group

The HF Law course is aimed at

  • Employees of the cantonal administration (e.g. tax office, debt collection office, civil status office, etc.), the police and employees of municipal administrations.
  • Employees from investigative bodies (public prosecutor's office, etc.)
  • Employees from the fiduciary sector, law firms, banks and insurance companies.
  • Employees from SMEs and large companies


Federal certificate of proficiency in business administration profile B, E or M or completion of a cantonally recognized commercial secondary school

- Other certificate of proficiency and professional examination for police officer with federal certificate of proficiency

- Other certificate of proficiency and additional commercial/business training at tertiary level with formal qualification (technical business management diploma, diploma in business administration HF, postgraduate studies in business administration, etc.)

At least 2 years of professional experience in business or administration. At least 50% professional activity in which legal issues are dealt with. The definitive admission will be clarified after checking the above-mentioned conditions and on the occasion of an admission interview. The admission decision will be made in writing.



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