Management expert | Management expert with federal certificate of proficiency

Management expert | Management expert with federal certificate of proficiency

Provider: WSF Business School Five

CHF 7’100
6 months
Novice level
Swiss Federal Diploma



The course "Management Specialists" with a federal certificate is a comprehensive continuing education program that enables you to meet the growing demands of the modern management landscape. As a future or existing manager in business and administration, this course will give you a deeper understanding of the core areas of leadership and management.

Leadership professionals play a key role in all industries from planning to implementation of leadership activities. The balance of leadership skills plays a critical role. The course combines self-awareness, self-management, team leadership, communication, presentation and conflict management with human resources management, change management and general management.

With the course "Leadership Professionals" you will acquire the necessary skills to deploy your employees in a targeted manner and to support them effectively in the performance of their tasks. The modular course focuses on the essential leadership tasks and enables you to develop or enhance your leadership and management skills in a targeted manner.


It is recommended to obtain a preliminary clarification of the admission to the examination for the professional certificate: svf-asfc-chThe following persons are admitted to the examination:

is in possession of an EFZ, a Matura certificate or an equivalent certificate and has at least three years of professional experience, of which at least one year as a leader of a team or group;


has at least six years of professional experience, including at least one year as a leader of a team or group;


Has the required module degrees or a certificate of equivalency.



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