Provider: Minerva
The extra-occupational training for the Federal Certificate of Competence for Technical Businesspersons offers professionals with a technical or craft/trade background a solid additional commercial and business management qualification and advancement qualification. Thanks to the planning and organizational skills gained, the know-how in marketing and sales as well as the knowledge in managing employees, trained technical business people are also qualified for a supervisor role in their professional life.
Job description
Technical Business Management Assistants are proven specialists and managers in the coordination and management of technical and/or interdisciplinary teams and projects. They deal with business issues mainly in a technical and business environment. Trained in a generalist manner, they have a sound understanding of the company and its environment in its entirety. They act in various roles that require business know-how and are active in small, medium and large companies.
Target group
Professionals who wish to supplement their technical or craft knowledge and complete an additional commercial qualification at management level. Retrainees who, for health reasons, can no longer work in their learned profession. The school for technical business people prepares e.g. for activities in the disposition, AVOR, in the office or field service, project management.
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