Specialist in public procurement with federal certificate of proficiency

Specialist in public procurement with federal certificate of proficiency

Provider: procure.ch - Professional Association for Purchasing and Supply Management

CHF 8’800
1 year
Novice level
Swiss Federal Diploma



Public procurement specialists, as employees of government agencies or public sector enterprises, are bound by legal requirements at every step of the procurement process. This usually requires major deviations from purchasing practice in the private sector. For example, the procurement law principles of transparency, promotion of competition, equal treatment, sustainability and economic efficiency apply to the procedures. These must be reconciled or weighed against each other.

Due to their institutional integration in state administrations and public enterprises, employees in public procurement departments are usually not solely responsible for procurements. The professional handling of these framework conditions and the processes in public administration are part of their central professional competencies.

Target group

Specialists in public procurement work for the federal government, cantons and municipalities, as well as for public service providers such as SBB, Swiss Post or public sector companies. Functions on the supplier side or as external consultants are also possible.



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