Technical Business Management Metal Trade B.Sc. (Distance Learning)

Technical Business Management Metal Trade B.Sc. (Distance Learning)

Provider: Fresenius University

from CHF 774’000
3 years — 4 years
Expert level



With the distance learning program "Technical Business Administration Metal Trade" you will successfully start in a constantly growing branch of industry. Convince personnel managers with multidisciplinary competencies and build a promising future.

During your studies, you will acquire all the necessary skills in the field of digital transformation of conventional business models. In addition, we provide you with all the business and engineering knowledge you need for international trade.

Benefit from valuable practical experience and a large specialist network through cooperation with the WGM (Wirtschaftsverband Großhandel Metallhalbzeug e.V.) and the VDM (Verband Deutscher Metallhändler e.V.).

The distance learning program gives you the opportunity to develop and align yourself professionally in an industry with a secure future. Lay the foundations for a career in international metal trading and use your expertise on your way to a successful management position.



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