Technical business management assistant with federal certificate of proficiency

Technical business management assistant with federal certificate of proficiency

Provider: Center Education - Business School KV Aargau East

CHF 14’240
2 years
Novice level
Swiss Federal Diploma
Baden AG



People with a technical-craft education from different industries go their way into the management of their companies with the further education as technical businessman or technical businesswoman.

Technical business people are very popular on the job market because they can act perfectly between executive departments and management in middle management. In addition, after graduation you have access to various further education courses at Bachelor level.

The goals

Future technical business management graduates are introduced to basic topics in business management for technical and craft enterprises. Subjects range from law to corporate and financial management, supply chain management, human resources, finance and quality assurance.

For whom?

Our students in the advanced training program Technical Business Management are practitioners from a wide range of industries. They have gained a few years of work experience after their basic industrial training and now want to take the next career step into the office.

That's why the advanced training to become a technical business management assistant with a federal certificate of proficiency is ideal for them.


Anyone who fulfills the following conditions when taking the examination is admitted to the federal examination:

  • completion of at least 3 years of basic vocational training or equivalent training
  • 3 years of professional practice in the technical field by the date of the examination after completion of the training.

The admission regulations defined by the Anavant sponsorship apply to this further training.

  • If you are not sure about your curriculum vitae regarding admission, we will advise you individually at any time. Our rector, Mr. Ruedi Schweizer, is at your disposal for further information and individual clarification.



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