The work of a real estate agent is extremely versatile and demanding. The complexity of the sales process and the broad knowledge required for it are often underestimated. Thanks to this training, you know how to find a suitable buyer for a property within a short time and can handle the sale independently.
As a real estate marketing clerk, you will take care of the entire marketing process from A to Z: from the owner's order to the signing of all necessary contracts after a successful sale. Thanks to your marketing skills, you will be able to create a marketing concept for your property and advertise it effectively to the right target group.
This course is aimed at both property owners and career changers who are planning to enter the real estate industry, as well as those re-entering the industry and those changing careers. If you are interested in studying to become a real estate marketer with a federal diploma, this further education course will make it easier for you to get started.
Here is an overview of the topics:
Marketing Basics and Real Estate Marketing/Sales
You know the basics of marketing. You are familiar with typical terms such as market analysis, market research, marketing concept or marketing instruments. You can adapt these to the field of real estate and are familiar with the peculiarities of real estate marketing and real estate sales.
Sales technique
You are able to conduct sales talks with confidence, know how to show and explain a property in the most effective way, control the conversation with your arguments and deal with objections.
Law (ZGB/OR)
You know the origins, structure and characteristics of the Swiss legal system and familiarize yourself with the relevant legal principles in the ZGB and the Code of Obligations (OR).
In addition to the general principles, you are familiar with the Swiss tax system, the tax relationship, the types of taxes and their assessment basis, the basics of income and wealth tax for natural persons as well as real estate taxes.
Real estate valuation
You are familiar with the basics of valuation - this includes, for example, the different values, the structure of a valuation report and the valuation process. You are able to apply conventional valuation methods such as real value and capitalized earnings value.
You are familiar with the most important points relating to finance and can therefore advise customers optimally on financial matters. The focus is on the credit business, the types of mortgage loan as well as the credit check, the mortgage business and the building loan.