Provider: Zurich University of Applied Sciences
The bachelor's degree program in Communication with majors in Journalism and Organizational Communication is a practice-oriented university program: practice and theory, training and reflection balance each other out.
Whether you want to get started or move up and build on your experience: With your individualized study plan, you'll earn a recognized, practice-oriented Bachelor of Communication degree. The program is modular and offers individual study plans for flexible scheduling depending on your workload. This makes it suitable for beginners and experienced students alike.
How does a communications degree at a university of applied sciences differ from a university degree? What do high school graduates need to consider before starting their studies? An interview with André Schibli, co-director of the Bachelor of Communication program.
You will be admitted to the Bachelor Communication program if you meet the following requirements:
Proof of professional experience (practical year) is not a condition for admission to the Bachelor of Communication.
Applicants who have completed their education in Switzerland must obtain the Matura in the educational path they have followed in the course of their previous education. Exceptions to this principle apply to the following higher vocational education degrees:
If you have acquired a foreign study qualification abroad or in Switzerland (e.g. Abitur or International Baccalaureate), submit the documents requested by the study program secretariat for the equivalence check. The examination of equivalency is based on the guidelines for the admission examination to the Bachelor's program and takes place after registration.
The registration fees for applicants from abroad are the same as for Swiss applicants. The tuition fees may be higher, if necessary. There is no place restriction for foreign students. More information for prospective students from abroad can be found in the information sheet Applicants from abroad.