W12-02 Go through the Gates #Logicgates #Electronics #SemiconductorPhysics


So, we once again started learning the basic addition and two numbers I gave an example


how to add two numbers. And essentially what we need in that exercise is the basic fundamental


thing I must know is the sum of two digits. So, here we have this sum that we did


last time and we saw that how I should know 1 plus 5 or 6 plus 3 or 0 plus 7 plus


8 and then there is a carry there is a sum carry and sum. So, essentially if you think


it is as a device what we are giving is we are giving two numbers a and b and we are


taking two outputs sum and carry. So, in all of these these kind of equations that


is written these are the two input numbers these are the two input numbers and these are


the two outputs one output you can call carry and another output you can call sum.


Same thing happens in the binary number edition also. The benefit is that we have only


two digits two symbols and therefore, the things are less in number simpler. So, let


me do a addition of two numbers written in binary system. So, let us take two numbers


in binary system. So, I have two numbers let us say 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 like that and then


the next number could be 1 here 0 here 0 here 1 here 0 here 1 here 1 here 1 here 1 here like


that and we have to add. So, what do I need 1 plus 0. So, I should know that 1 plus 0 is 1 and


if I write 1 I also write 0 here. So, this is carry digit and this is that sum digit. So, 1 plus


1 gives me sum that I write here and carry I write here. Then 0 plus 0. So, I should know that


0 plus 0 is 0. So, sum is 0 and carry is 0 and that sum is to be added in this. So, 0 plus 1. So,


0 plus 1 is also 0 1. So, sum is 1 and carry is 0. So, 0 plus 1 will be 1 and 1 plus 0 will be 1.


So, this will be 1 here. Then comes 1 plus 1. Now, what is 1 plus 1? So, 1 plus 1. So, the number


next to 1 in our counting we have one digit numbers exhausted then 2 digit number exhausted


then 3 digit number and so on. So, if I add 1 to this 1 I get the next number consecutive number


which is 1 and 0. So, that 0 is the sum and 1 is the carry. So, I put the sum here


and carry here and then 1 plus 1 is again 1 0 and 0 is the sum and 1 is the carry. So, this 1 plus


1 is 0. So, I have to remember that sum is 0 and that sum is to be added here 0 plus 0 and that is


0 and that carry still remains that carry goes here and then 1 plus 0 is 1 and that 1 plus 1 is


1 0. So, these 0 goes here 1 goes here 1 plus 0 is 1 1 plus 1 is 0 here and 1 here and now,


I have 1 plus 1 and plus 1. So, 1 plus 1 and plus 1. So, 1 plus 1 is 1 0.


This 1 and this 0. The sum is to be added here and carry I have to remember. So, that sum is added here


and then that gives me 1 here and that carry goes here there is nothing here 0 0. So, that is 1.


That is how we sum the numbers. Similar procedure as we did in decimals.


So, the basic things I must know for this addition is addition of these two digits. So,


if I write it as a device then my inputs are here A and B, let us call it A and B and I have


two outputs which I can call C and D, C and B and then this is this is some kind of a circuit


digital circuit and then the circuit should be such that if I write A here B here and S here


and or let me let me see here and S here. So, if this is 0 0, if this is 0 0 I should get


0 0 0 carry and 0 sum which should be 0 and 0. If it is 0 1 then I should get sum as 1 and carry


as 0. If this is 1 and this is 0 1 second I should get the same thing and if this is 1 and this is 1


and carry should be 1 and sum should be 0. This is the input output that is our requirement.


My circuits should do this, this circuit should do this. If I take this A as 1 and B as 1 I must


get the output C carry as 1 and output D as 0 and similarly for E all combinations. Since there


are only two inputs so I have four combinations. So, when you exhaust all the combinations of


input and tell what should be the output corresponding to these inputs that table is known as


truth table. This is known as truth table and our circuit will take these inputs that means


voltages will provide low and high. We have to pre-defined normally say 0 to 0.8 volt or 0


to 1 volt is low. So, anything if I apply 0 volt here 0.5 volt here that is low and that will


be treated as 0 and anything if I apply here which is pre-defined more than two volts that I can


define how much is that. So, if it is high if it is that high voltage more than two volts


then that is 1 and similarly for B. So, this is the kind of circuit which we call digital circuit


which takes only digital inputs it takes voltages it takes only voltages but those voltages I see


it as digital either low or high I do not distinguish between 1.7 and 1.8. So, for us it is


digital 0 or 1 this is the kind of circuit. Now, how to design such circuits how to design such


circuits in which the input is given as voltages and depending on what whether it is high or


it is low desired output is achieved. This is by the way this is the truth table this kind of


combination this is also known as half adder 1 half adder because here you had seen I had


this 1 plus 1 plus 1. So, I had to do some mental calculation 1 plus 1 will give me one


carry and then 0 sum and then I have to remember that the carry is still there and some is to


be added in the sum and so on. So, if we can put three numbers together as input and then


ask what is the final sum and what the final carry. So, that means I will have circuit in which


three inputs will go a b and c a b and say like here 1 1 1 here 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0. So,


there are three inputs and then I need the final sum and final carry I do not want to remember


in between what happened and then carry in my mind also. So, if I have this kind of circuit


designed and then I say that I need the final carry and the final sum you can make your truth


table you can make this kind of table this time you have let me not call it c c is for carry


let me call it d or x y z let me call it x y z no confusion x y and z. So, you can make a table


x y and z and then carry and the sum and then you can put numbers here here here what should


be the carry what should be the sum how many rows will be there how many rows will be there


there are three inputs each input can be 0 or 1. So, there are those combinations are to be written


all those combinations are to be exhausted 0 0 1 0 0 0 every everywhere you have to


make so 8 8 rows and for each row you know how much is c and how much is s and that kind of


truth table that kind of circuit which can do this that is known as full adder.


So, any digital circuit which takes digital input and gives digital output that is digital


it takes digital input means it still it is an amplifier it is a transistor or it is some


some electronic circuit combination of diodes, transistors or resistances it is a circuit


electronic circuit and electronic circuit only takes voltages and currents and it gives


output as voltages or currents but then the design is such that if the voltage is in this range


any if I call it 0 and if the voltage is in that range I call it 1 and similarly for output


and for input then I should get this truth table implemented. So, that is the digital circuit it takes


digital inputs and it gives digital outputs could be one output could be more output could be one


input could be two input could be three input and so on. Now, to design such a circuit the basic


block basic blocks with which you design complicated circuits are called logic gates.


So, logic gates these are themselves digital circuits and there are several of them I will


describe and these are taken as the basic blocks. So, you have one single unit one integrated


circuit you go in market and say this logic gate and you get that. So, the whole circuit is inside


and then use those gates and combine them in appropriate fashion to design the circuit which


keeps you desired outputs at desired inputs right. So, some of them which are very basic and


which I will describe the first one is let us talk of this not gate this is called not gate


and what is this it is very simple it takes one input and it gives one output. So, this is not gate


and not gate takes one input just one input and then it gives one output.


A let us call it A and let us call it Y. So, if A is one truth table is very simple if A is one


then Y is 0 and if A is 0 then Y is 1 finish this is the truth table for not gate. So, if this is one


this should be 0 if this is 0 this should be 1 that kind of circuit is known as not gate and


you must remember we have already discussed this kind of circuit and it is nothing but a transistor


at transistor in switch mode okay a transistor in switch mode. So, if you have a transistor


if you take N P and transistor as we had been doing it you have that load resistance or collector


resistance and then you put your biasing here you put some resistances some capacitance is


all those things I am not showing and then here is that input right. So, you can put a resistance


here you can put a resistance here and then this is the input point. So, essentially this is it


is like this and that is this is that point A and you can take your output from here this is the point Y.


Okay. So, if you operate it as a switch that means this voltage is given high


suppose you give 5 volt here and then this base emitter junction is forward bias and it goes and this


is a sufficient to drive the transistor in saturation mode okay you have a cutoff mode you have


saturation mode in between you have that active mode linear region right. So, B in saturation mode


or in cutoff mode so if the voltage is given here if sufficient voltage is given here so that you


have driven the transistor in saturation mode then the maximum possible current can go in that


configuration and then you have a current from here and once you have current from here then you


have drop your potential drop here okay and therefore this potential is low right in collector


current goes like this this is NP and remember so it goes like this and so this is high voltage


but then you have drop here and this becomes low voltage. So, if you put high here if A is high


B Y is low okay you apply a voltage high voltage high voltage means not 1000 volt high voltage means


I in our case is just 3 volts 4 volts 5 volts which drives this into saturation mode.


So, that there is a current from here there is a potential drop and this becomes quite low


and if you give this low if you give this low you you do not put a battery you give 0 voltage here


then no current goes it in cutoff region and since no current goes anywhere no current goes here


so the potential here and potential here it is same and this potential is high so this potential


also becomes high so this transistor single transistor itself is is not gate so you give one


input you get one output if the input is one output is 0 and if input is 0 output is 1 and there is


symbol for it okay symbol for not gate and that symbol is you put a triangle and put a line here


put a small circle here and then a line here and this is the input this side is the input side


and this side is the output side so this circle actually denotes not operation so this is a symbol for


not gate so this one symbol is 1 then next is let us take and gate so next one let us take


and gate it is called and gate this and tells that if you are all inputs are high if you are


two inputs the first input should be high and second input should also be high say both the inputs are


high then the output is high and if any one of them goes to low or both of them go to low


then the output is low that is why the name and so that means if I draw the truth table


if it is two input and one output the basic and gate will have this you can have more inputs


but the basic and gate will have two inputs and one output so if this is 0 this is 0 this is also 0


right and then if this is 0 this is 1 still this is 0 because a and b both should be high to


give you this high value of y so 1 and 0 that should be 0 and 1 and 1 that is equal to 1 so if


you have a circuit of this kind that circuit will be called and circuit both of them should be


high then only the output is high otherwise it is not so it is not our binary addition one plus


one is one here so that and it should not be taken as a addition or this two and three makes


five it is not like that now this kind of thing you can think without any semiconductor or anything


like a switch so you can have a two switches it is just to conceive the idea what is add you can


have two switches and this can be treated as input and then you have a lamp out here


so this is your output this is a lamp and this is our output and then you have appropriate


battery or power source okay so you can treat this as a this as b and this is y lamp on


y is equal to 1 and lamp off y is equal to 0 that is the output and input switch S1 so any


switch any switch if it is closed closed means connected so if the switch is closed that we will


call 1 this is your input a or b and if the switch is open as it is shown in this figure


so it is open so that we will call 0 so if you take this as the meaning of


one and 0 then you can see that if a is 0 and b is 0 if a is 0 and b is 0 so it is open


both switches are open and then the lamp is not glowing and you say that y is equal to 0


and if one of the switches closed other switches open so a is 1 and b is 0 so a is 1 and b is 0


so that case also there is no current in the circuit the lamp is off and therefore y is equal to 0


if it this is open and that is closed then also the same story and if both the switches are closed


so that this a is 1 and b is 1 then it glows and if it glows if it is on then we say that y is


1 so 1 and 1 is 1 so this is the meaning of this add you can now make this add


digital circuit using p n junction diodes let us see how


so let me take two diodes one diode here p n junction this is p side this is inside


you remember that another diode here join this together and put a resistance


and then a battery cell here could be two volts three volts and this is our ground this is our


ground and let these two be the input points a and b and let this be the output point y


and see if this can do that and operation what is that and operation the and operation is


if a is 0 b is 0 y is 0 then if a is 0 b is 1 then y is 0 if this is 1 this is 0 then this is 0


and if this is 1 this is 1 then this is 1 that is the end operation so what happens if this a is 0


and this b is 0 that means this is given 0 volts this is given 0 volts I am connecting this to the ground


I am connecting this to the ground remember this kind of symbol it means that this is connected


to this line here and this is also connected to that same line here so in this case both the


diodes are forward biased you have a higher voltage here and a lower voltage here so it is


forward biased and therefore you have current through this diode the current goes like this and then


it comes back and goes into the battery the current goes like this and comes back and goes into


the battery and since the current is going it is forward biased the drop here on this p and junction


is very small 0.2 volts 0.3 volts 0.5 volts or more than that 0.6 volts maximum so if this is 0


this will only be a small voltage here and for digital operations that is same as 0 low so this is


low voltage and therefore y is 0 y is 0 and then what happens if a is 0 and b is 1 a is 0 means


a remains grounded but now b is at 5 volts this b is at 5 volts let us say 5 volts


so if we have put 5 volts here that means we have put a battery another battery here and that


battery is connected to this negative here and this is a plus 5 going that what happens this becomes


reverse bias you have put full 5 volts here no current through this no current through this


but does it matter this is still grounded a is 0 this is still grounded and therefore this


higher voltage this is lower voltage this is forward biased and therefore the current will still


be there and once the current is there once again the same story this is this is 0 and this only


a small voltage which is 0 and here it is 5 volt there need to be 5 volt this is the no current


is going so it is just possible this side is 5 and this point is very small volt so that is fine


so this is low so this is a low and similarly if a is 1 and b is 0 then this will be 0 you are


changing the these two swapping these two put 5 volt here put 0 volt here then this will


be reverse to bias no current from here and the current will be only from here what happens if


a is 1 and b is 1 this one a is 1 and b is 1 so I am giving 5 volt to a and 5 volt to b


now both the diodes are reversed bias no current going from here no current going from here


and therefore no current going from here gets off junction rule no current going from here so


whatever is this voltage that same will be this voltage and therefore this will be high and hence


you have 1 1 and 1 so this is how this and can be implemented using this diodes I can also do this using


transistors we had shown how that switches can be used to light that lamp and that equivalence


of that answer kit and transistor can be used as a switch so that same switch circuit I can


put 2 transistors and then make this and circuit using those so next time I will show that


and then we will talk about several other gates and their circuits.


The subject matter covered includes binary addition, where two numbers are added using only two digits - 0 and 1. The video explains how this process can be thought of as a device that takes two input numbers (a and b) and produces two outputs: a sum and a carry digit. This concept is then applied to the world of electronics and semiconductor physics, where logic gates are used to perform logical operations on binary inputs. Logic gates are digital circuits that operate based on true or false conditions, producing an output based on these inputs. The video explains how these gates work by using AND, OR, and NOT gates as examples. It also covers the concept of sum and carry digits in binary addition, showing how to add two numbers represented in binary form. The content is presented in a way that's easy to follow for learners, making it suitable for those interested in electronics and semiconductor physics.