Hey guys, what's up? How are you all? Welcome to today's session. This is Shveta Roy,
your English Master teacher at Vedantu and today's career counseling session is going
to be an amazing session because we are going to talk about something which many of us do
not know. So, translator, the career of translator is something which many of us are not aware
about, but yes, I'm going to clarify all your conclusions about this career path and make
this career path an important option that you can of course aware if you are an interesting
student of language. So, yes guys, if you love languages, if you are a lover of language,
be it Hindi, be it English. So, then a first translation is a great career option that you
can of course, right. So, today's career counseling session is going to be on this topic of
translators. So, yes guys, let us start with this session with the important details of being
a translator. So, what is the job profile, what is the salary package and of course, what is the
eligibility criteria, what are the exams that you need to crack in order to get into this
sector. These are the various aspects that we are going to talk about in today's session.
So, beginning with today's session, let us start with the job profile of an SSC Junior
translator. So, don't get confused by the word Hindi translator. Since this is a post-off
translator. So, of course, that means translation means translating one language into another. So,
basically, this has to be, you know, there has to be some amount over two languages. You have to
have the amount over both the languages. So, those are some of you must be studying comparative
literature in your colleges or you are a lover of literature, you like English, you like both
the languages English as well as Hindi. Some of you opt for comparative literature as well. So, yes,
guys, this is an important career aspect for you, important career option for you, that first you
can opt for. So, many of you may not be aware. So, let me tell you, let me take you down this
path of being a translator. And the most important part is that this is a government job. So, yes,
most of you must be thinking that, oh, I need a government job, most of you, most of us are
really, really, really interested in going for a job in the government sector. So, guys, this is a
perfect job for those who are wanting to take up a government job. And those who are a
lover of language. So, as I told you that English, there is no, you know, English does not have
a limited opportunity. There are various various various job opportunities for the lover of
language. So, don't worry, guys, you have a host of opportunities opened up right before you and
junior Hindi translator is one such amazing opportunity that all of you can opt for who are
great in both the languages and who have an excellent command in both the languages. So, this is
the perfect job for you all. So, let us see what is the job profile of this, this job right.
So, first is the job post is junior Hindi, junior translator in central, secondary,
official language service. You can be junior translator in minutes drop railways,
junior translator in armed force headquarters, junior translator in subordinate offices. So, these
these are the various you know sectors where you can be posted if you crack the examination of
junior Hindi translator and get into this area right. So, junior Hindi translator we will talk about
junior Hindi translator senior Hindi translator and Hindi translator and Hindi interpreter. So, don't worry
that don't think that why am I talking about Hindi in, you know, an English career counseling
know guys this is not that translation means translation of one language translation from one language
to the other. So, yes I am going to talk about both right. So, this junior Hindi translator means
you have to have a command on both the language is not just Hindi on unjust English. So, I know that
there are many people there are many of us many of my lovely students who have a capability
who have an ability to convert fluently in both the languages right. So, this is the perfect job for you all.
Moving on you can also become senior Hindi translator in various central government ministries departments
office and of course, the prestigious Hindi Pragyapak in central Hindi training institute.
This is for the people who are you know a more comfortable in Hindi. So, the last one is for people who
are more comfortable in Hindi but the others are for both the people who are both comfortable in English
as well as Hindi right who are fluent, who are fluent speakers who are fluent writers who are
fluent in both the languages. So, yes guys lover of languages just go for it it's an amazing opportunity
for you all. And with that I would again request you guys to download the Vedant to have because this is an app which is right
right now your Bible in the difficulties right. So, this in this recent pandemic that has spread
don't worry we will not let you down because you can study from the safety of your home just you
need to download this app and you have access to free life classes from great one to great 12.
So, no need to worry about anything else your learning will never never be interrupted just download
the app and study with us study with Vedant too because we believe that learning never stop.
And with that let us proceed to the most attractive part of our entire session that is the face scale.
This is the area for which we actually aim for a particular job right. Yes. So, let us talk about the face scale.
So, this junior Hindi translator which is you know of a by SSC that is face submission that
is having an attractive salary. So, yes let us see the salary package or the pay package or the face scale right.
So, first is junior Hindi translator that is a group okay a group junior Hindi translator in central
secretary of official language service level sets they have an attractive salary ranging from
35,400 to 1 lakh 12,400 which is right which is very very very attractive right. Okay.
So, then a junior translator in Ministry of Railways that is for Railway Board and there is again an attractive
salary package level you know from starting from 35,400 to 1 lakh 12,400 which is an amazing package.
Guys, yes. And then we have group C group C is junior translator in armed forces.
So, these are the various groups that you need to be aware of because then accordingly you have to prepare
yourselves for the exams right. So, the eligibility criteria of all these groups are a little
different. So, you need to know what are the different groups. Group C is for Hindi, sorry,
junior translator in armed forces here headquarters. So, these are the various regions where you can be posted
depending on the marks that you get in the examination and about that marks regarding that marks
we are going to talk about in this session a little later right. So, yes the pay scale is again
almost the same right and then we have junior Hindi translator in subordinate offices and again
the pay scale is again 35,000. So, this is the pay scale is almost ranging from 35,400 to 1 lakh
12,400 to 1 lakh 12,400 which is an attractive salary of course. And then we have senior
Hindi translator also in central government ministries. Yes, so we can also go for senior Hindi translators
and the pay packet is a little more that is ranging from 44,900 to 1 lakh 42,400
amazing salary guys amazing. So, yes if you are a lover of languages and literature if you
have you know opted for the humanities humanities tree after class 10 and then you have graduated
and post graduated in humanities like English or Hindi basically mainly the language part. So, of course,
this is an area which you need to explore right. So, this is an area worth exploring and that
is why I am throwing a guiding light to this post right. So, please please look into this post
and think about this job as well because many of us are not aware right as I am repeatedly telling you.
So, Hindi Pradhyapak is there in the central Hindi training institute this is mainly for
Hindi students the students having a you know good command, a greater command in the language Hindi.
This is for particularly those students right and the pay packet is again a little higher than the others
that is 47,600 to 1 lakh 51,100 right amazing right. So, now after we have talked about the attractive
salary package of a junior Hindi translator senior Hindi translator as well as in the Pradhyapak
let us talk a little bit about the eligibility. So, what is it that you need to prepare yourself
about when you are you know opting for the career option of becoming a translator. Okay.
So, first of all, for our post code A2D which we had already talked about A2D is still
junior Hindi translator in subordinate offices central secretary at official language service
junior translator in real ways forces and in subordinate offices for these what is the
eligibility criteria be very clear about this eligibility criteria because you need to prepare
yourself right ways after you pass out your graduation of post graduation right. So, first important
thing is that you have to be a master degree holder right you have to complete your post graduation
without post graduation this is not suitable option for you because eligibility criteria for
this post is post graduation which is a must and you have to have both the language English
as well as Hindi either English as your major and Hindi as an elective or vice versa right. So, basically
they are checking your command in both the languages because the words that you are going to do is
yes translation work right you are going to translate one language to the other thus bridging the
two language gap between the two languages. So, very important work guys and very prestigious and
reputed work as well. So, yes you have to be a master degree holder from a recognized university
either having English as your main subject or Hindi as your main subject with the other subject
being your elective subject right. So, this is what you have to have so that that is what
is written over here and then a force apart from this what else you need to do is recognize the diploma
or certificate force in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa for two years or
sorry or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in central
or state government office including government of India undertaking right. So, either you have to be an
experienced translator or you need to have a diploma or certificate. So, yes if the translator
work is difficult for you right no problem you can of course get a diploma or a certificate course
in translation ok that is easy that you can do from various you know open universities side by side right.
For example, you can do it from Ignu as well ok. So, that is the eligibility criteria. So, please
do not think that if I only pursue my master in English and I am having Hindi as one of my
elective subjects then I am eligible for this post please do not forget about the diploma because I can
tell you from my personal experience because I did the same thing and I forgot I did not check
the diploma criteria which is an important eligibility criteria. So, please do not commit the same mistake
please have a diploma or a certificate course in translation you can do it anyway it is not that
tough to do it ok and yes if you can do a translation work if you have an experience then it is
ok then it is well and good but if you do not have don't very get the diploma or the certificate
course ok. So, this was all about the eligibility criteria of group A to B and next we come to post
in same criteria master of degree of recognized university in Hindi with English as a compulsory
or elective subject or opposite that is Hindi is your main subject and English is your elective subject
master degree of recognized university in any subject other than Hindi or English with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory
or elective subject so that means what they are checking the command over both the languages. So, if you do not
have a master degree of Hindi or English mainly you can have it in any other subject but you have to have
Hindi medium you have to have Hindi medium in that case and you have to have English as a compulsory or elective subject
right that is the main thing that means Hindi and English these are the main subjects that they are focusing
upon because these are the two languages that you are going to deal with when you enter the top area of being a
master degree of recognized university in any subject other than Hindi or English with English medium
and Hindi as a compulsory subject that means the opposite of what we did over here. So, basically in all the groups they are asking for
the command of Hindi and English master degree of recognized university in any subject other than
Hindi or English with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective subject or either of the two as a medium of
examinations and the other as a compulsory or elective subject as degree level and recognized diploma or certificate
course. So, please do not forget the diploma that is that remains the same for all these all the
force all the groups ok. So, this is very very very important and yes and recognized diploma or certificate course
in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa or it can be three years experience of translation
work from Hindi to English and vice versa in central or state government office including government
of India undertaking. So, no problem if you cannot do the translation but if you do not have the experience of
translation work for three years not a big deal you can of course avail for the next second option which is a diploma
certificate course and which is not a very peculiar task that I can assure you. And again we have the
post of post code F that is Hindi Pradhyapa this is a little different from the others ok. How you have to
have bachelor's degree in Hindi with English as one of the main subject as one of the subject as degree level
either as compulsory or optional from recognized university from recognized university or institute
plus master's degree in any subject from recognized university or institute plus bachelor's bachelor of education
that means this is an area where you need be it ok. This is a completely different area from the rest which we have done so far.
So, for Hindi Pradhyapa you need to have varied or bachelor of education from recognized university or institute
or bachelor's degree in any subject from recognized university or institute plus master's of master's in Hindi
with English as one of the subject as degree level either as compulsory or optional from recognized university
or university or institute plus again you have bachelor's of education from recognized university or institute. So, basically what
is it trying to say is bachelor's degree in Hindi with English as one of the major subject plus master's degree. So, basically master's degree you have to have
with Hindi and English as one of your subject or vice versa with English or Hindi as one of your subject
and along with that what you need to have is be it that is very, very important if you are applying for the post of Hindi Pradhyapa
you need to have be it. Then we have a desirable quality for the Pradhyapa okay Pradhyapa sorry for the Pradhyapa
we have another desirable quality this is not a compulsion but they would prefer or they would you
know it would be desirable for you to be experienced in teaching Hindi at secondary level under central or state
government or recognized educational institute. So, this is a desirable quality again so that means they can select on the basis of
this quality right but yes the compulsory qualities are tells your that is master's degree with either English or Hindi
with English or Hindi as a main subject you know as an elective subject and be it. So, that was compulsory
eligibility criteria and it would be desirable if you have some experience of teaching Hindi at secondary level
under central or state government to your experience they need but yes of course I would remind you the
remind you about the age factor here the age criteria is also there for this post so you can only apply till age 30
and after crossing age 30 you cannot apply for this post yes so there is a criteria for age as well
moving on to the exams that you need to you know interact in order to get this attractive post of being a translator in the government sector
okay. So, what are the suitable like what are the exams that you need to crack very, very important
SSC Junior Hindi translator exam that is PhD exam which is conducted in both English and Hindi okay
and what is it checking it is checking the command of the candidates over what over the Hindi and English language.
So, again and again I am telling you if you have the command of both the languages so yes this is the post which you can offer
right this is the post just right this is the perfect match for you. So, let me tell you a little bit about the exam pattern so that if you are interested in applying for this post
then you start preparing yourselves you know it is a very basic exam but yes after crossing class 10 we all tend to forget everything whatever we have learnt in Hindi and English
basically what are the checking is not your literature part yes literature language part they are checking okay over here that your language part is check
so that is why I am repeatedly telling you if you are good in grammar if you are good in grammar both the languages Hindi as well as Hindi
there are many students like that who are excellent in the grammar grammar part of both English as well as Hindi and yes if you are if you have a player for writing as well
okay in both English and Hindi if you like writing if you like to write in both the languages you are equally confident in writing then of course this job is for you
right just need to explore a little bit you know you know widen your horizon a little bit and then you will get many opportunities right there before you
okay so talking about the examination pattern we have two papers first is paper one which is totally objective type and that is that will be an online examination
so no need to worry about anything at all a very comfortable examination having objective type questions computer based that is online examination
what are you what are they going to check on you is in general English and Hindi so basically they are going to check your English as well as Hindi
and what are the topics that you need to cover in order to prepare for your Hindi language
so first let us talk about the Hindi language preparation and then we are going to talk about the English language preparation so that you can
start preparing from class 10th onwards because most of these entire syllabus is covering your syllabus of class 10th nothing else
so no need to worry about anything difficult that is going to come no absolutely easy and the base you will be you know just on the base of your language
right language skills both English and Hindi so you have to create a very strong base since class 9 onwards so yes that this is your perfect time for preparing yourself for this exam
because these are you know the areas where they are going to judge okay so first is grammatical topic that is summer and the creation which you are doing I guess in your school
right in your papers you are going to have the same syllabus for grammar in the grammar and then of course in these synonyms in the paragraphs that means reading comprehension
will be given to you right in both English as well as Hindi Hindi provost and Hindi and to name so these are the areas where which you need to cover this is basically the syllabus of paper one Hindi general Hindi
and please remember that there is going to be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer okay and the most important thing is that if you do not fulfill the criteria of marks for paper one then paper two will not be evaluated right
so yes paper two will only be evaluated in respect of those candidates who attain the minimum qualifying standard in paper one so you have to qualify paper one in order to be evaluated for the paper two and then
the topics covered for English language preparation we are all doing these topics in our school right so we are all following these topics
and taking my sessions basically most of my sessions in most of my sessions I have you know covered almost all of these topics so yes if you haven't watched the videos and if you are interested in spending your base
and please do watch the videos and please do start preparing yourselves for the exam for the English part there will be no problem I can assure you that please take care of the Hindi part as well right
so yes fill in the blanks error recognition which is there in your exams as well class 10 so if you're going to prepare it for your class 10 exam you prepared it so well that you do not forget it later on as well you carry it for your future as well
articles work so you can see that these are all basic grammar right articles work preposition spelling test vocabulary
so I repeatedly tell you to enhance an enrich of vocabulary from time to time right grammar synonym sentence structure and synonym sentence completion correct use of words phrases and idioms so all most 90% I think I have covered with you all my lovely students
so if you have missed any of the session you can go back to that session and keep on checking in order to you know continuously evaluate yourself and continuously prepare yourself for different
important examinations such as the translator the examination conducted for the post of the Hindi translator
paper two syllabus is translation and essay that is a descriptive paper so paper one was completely objective they are checking your
general English and general Hindi that means the basic thing right so basic English and basic Hindi the grammar portion is checked in your
paper one and of course comprehension the past reading of passage or unseen comprehension that is also there in both the papers both in Hindi as well as English
so that is also very important so basically all your school grammar high school grammar is important for your
junior Hindi translator exam preparation JIT exam preparation moving on to paper two syllabus which is translation and essay and it is a descriptive paper so as I told you that if you have a player of writing
then this is a paper that you can easily crack so you have to have confidence of writing in both the languages English and Hindi I know
there are many of us like that who have a great confidence great potential of writing in both the languages and writing amazingly wonderful right so yes
essay writing is a part of this exam essay writing in both English as well as Hindi so basically let us see what is the structure of this paper
two passages for translation one passage for translation from Hindi to English and one from English to Hindi and essay in each each in Hindi and English
therefore the topics which we are going to cover is paragraph translation from Hindi to English and paragraph translation from English to Hindi
essay in English and essay in Hindi so yes essay writing important part and then paragraph translation as well and this paper consists of 200 marks 100 marks is for
translation and I guess 100 for essay yes so 200 marks so very very very important guys okay so start preparing yourselves from now on words
you have to know how to translate from Hindi to English and English to Hindi as well and yes of course you are going to do a diploma in that case
so there you will definitely learn the art of translation so not after completing the diploma that is why diploma they have made compulsory
so after completing the diploma you will not have any problem I hope so and in many of this school when I was in my school I was from I completed my schooling from you know a state board
so we were having translation as a part of our syllabus when we used to give our Hindi exam so at that time we had this translation that we were given passage to translate from Hindi to English so that was really of help and I don't know whether you have that
now as well in CBS it's not there I see she also doesn't have that I don't know about the state boards but we used to have it
so yes that would be of great help if you have it but if you don't don't worry nothing to worry of nothing to worry about you are going to have your you know
the diploma over there so there you will definitely learn the work of translation so not a big deal so if you are in love with this job if you are in love with you know
translator if you love to play with languages to translate one language to the other if you have an interest in this job again it totally depends on your interest whatever your interest lies
you please go and select only that job it's not that you find it attractive and then you straight away go into that no please try to recognize your interest
and accordingly move your steps right so first step is to try to recognize yourself and where your potential lies where your interest lies and then accordingly you have to take your steps towards your aim
so yes your aim should be created based on your interest and no other factor that is a very very important tip from my head and I you know almost repeat this tip in almost all my sessions so yes guys please follow your passions your dreams because the life ultimately that you are going to live will be your own and you will suffer or you will be happy based on the decision that you are going to take
in your career because career is a very very very important factor and since the major life changing factor of your life right so yes that was all from my side
about the job of junior in the translator which we discussed today right so yes if you want to step on if you want to
on this path of being a translator successful translator then you can follow these steps follow these guidelines and I'm sure this will this will surely surely
help you out and you will be a successful translator in a job in you know in government sector
so thank you guys for watching this video and I hope this is helpful if you like this video and if you think that it's you know helpful then please do like share and subscribe and you can of course reach out to me anytime at
Shweta.troy at the rate with us to dot com I am always there to guide you to motivate you and to help you out and all the possible ways that I can
Okay guys so that was all thank you for being a patient let's not take care bye bye.
The subject matter revolves around the profession of translator, which involves translating one language into another. The content likely covers the essential requirements and skills needed to become a successful translator, such as proficiency in two languages. It may also discuss the different types of translators, including those who work with specific languages like Hindi and English. Additionally, the content might delve into the various job roles available for translators, such as interpreters, and the salary ranges associated with these positions. The eligibility criteria and required exams to pursue a career in translation are likely discussed in detail. Overall, this content is designed to provide an overview of the translator profession and its opportunities, making it relevant for students who enjoy languages and are seeking a career path that involves communication across linguistic boundaries.