Management specialist with federal certificate of proficiency

Management specialist with federal certificate of proficiency

Provider: Academy St.Gallen

CHF 4’600
1.5 years
Novice level
Swiss Federal Diploma
Kreuzbleicheweg 4 9000 St.Gallen



In the further education program for management specialists, you will acquire competencies in both management and leadership. In the area of management, you will be taught basic business skills. In the area of leadership, social skills are promoted by closely linking the course content to your own leadership situation. As a result, management positions at lower to middle management level with demanding activities are open to you.

As a management specialist with a federal certificate, you will lead a team or a department and skilfully apply the leadership and management skills you have acquired in your daily management work for the benefit of employees and the company.


  • Federal certificate of proficiency and at least three years of professional experience, including at least one year as a team leader (at the time of the professional examination).
  • Previous knowledge of financial accounting or proof of attendance of a preliminary course in financial accounting



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