Accounting clerk VSK

Accounting clerk VSK

Provider: BVS Business-School Switzerland

1 year
Novice level



The course is aimed at employees from a wide range of industries and business sectors who wish to receive in-depth theoretical and practical training in the field of accounting.

In addition, they will be able to deal with problems in the areas of taxation, value added tax and social insurance. In this way, they make a significant contribution to the smooth running of the accounting department and thus support the tasks in the areas of budget planning, liquidity calculation, balance sheet and income statement also and process important key business figures.


The training to become an "Accounting Specialist VSK" enables all interested parties who, building on the knowledge of the commercial apprenticeship exam or the commercial diploma, want to acquire thorough knowledge in all areas of finance and accounting, but do not want to or cannot aim for a federal certificate for specialists in finance and accounting - allows the economy and administration the further training of employees interested in accounting The modular structure also allows interested parties to specifically take only individual modules and have them certified.


The course is particularly suitable for

  • Persons who have completed a commercial apprenticeship (KV) or commercial school VSH or equivalent training
  • employees in the accounting department
  • newcomers and those returning to the field of accounting

Specialist professional experience is not necessary.

An activity in the field of finance and accounting at the latest during the training is an advantage and is recommended.



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