Provider: Villa Negroni Study Center
Course presentation.
The term "retail banking" generally refers to all banking transactions carried out with a large individual clientele through a range of standard and easily understood products. The individual client advisor targets individuals with a net worth not exceeding a ceiling which, depending on the bank, can range from CHF 250,000 to CHF 500,000. The services provided include account maintenance, payment transactions, credit card distribution, offering standardized investment products, and especially mortgage and pension advice.
This professional figure in recent years has regained in importance due to the effects of the recent financial crisis that forced banks to reposition themselves more incisively in the local market, in this regard this professional profile is increasingly required to be more independent, competent and professional in meeting the different needs of its client.
The proposed training course, characterized by a purely practical slant, goes in this direction and especially allows the candidate to prepare to take the examination, written and oral, for the certification published by the Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ), recognized by the Confederation through the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). This certification leads to the title "Certified Individual Client Advisor."
More information is available on the following page Benchmarks in Banking: SAQ Swiss Association for Quality