Certified public accountant

Certified public accountant

Provider: EXPERTsuisse

CHF 30’000
3 years — 4 years
Expert level
Federal diploma / higher technical examination



Job description

An expert diploma in auditing stands for competence in independent auditing of complex issues using the latest technologies. Certified public accountants provide relevant decision-making bases for clients (management teams) and other stakeholders (investors, banks, authorities, etc.) on the basis of independent judgment.

Career opportunities range from professional deepening and supplementation (business consultant) to management responsibility/participation and key functions in business (board of directors, general management, CFO, compliance, etc.).

The audit and consulting industry offers attractive jobs with rapid doubling of skills, salary and development opportunities. Support decision makers - become a decision maker yourself.

A. The auditing environment

Auditors operate in an economic, technological and social environment that is in a constant state of change driven by trends. These include the emergence of new digital and Internet-based business models, computer support in more and more areas of life, the emergence of networked global economic systems, the increasing processing of information in real time, the convergence of different industries and the automation of increasingly complex work tasks (note: non-exhaustive list).

B. Main task of auditing

Auditors audit and certify annual and consolidated financial statements prepared on the basis of accounting standards. This is done by means of ordinary and limited audits. Furthermore, auditors perform statutory special audits in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Obligations as well as other business audits and provide related services (e.g. in the area of due diligence).

C. Other relevant tasks of auditing

In addition to the main task of auditing annual and consolidated financial statements, other fields of activity characterize the profession. Auditors provide various business services: Consulting services, representation in tax matters, appraisal and expert activities in all areas of economic management as well as company valuations.

D. Contribution of auditing to society

In a complex, dynamic and thus uncertain environment, auditing performs an important safeguarding function for the economy. It creates confidence among investors, clients, suppliers, employees and the general public.

The reader of the financial statements receives an assurance that the financial position of the company is presented in accordance with the law and the accounting standards applied.

The recipient of the auditor's report can rely on the fact that the audit and assessment of the accounting and financial reporting have been carried out by a professionally qualified and independent auditor.

For investors and other stakeholders, the auditor's report is an important prerequisite for forming an opinion, especially since they themselves do not have the right to inspect their company's books.

As a sparring partner for the company's management, a contribution is made to sustainable corporate development by presenting the findings of the audit to the highest governance body.

In order to protect creditors and other stakeholders, the statutory auditors have certain legal duties to report and act in the event that the going concern of a company is at risk, in order to ensure that the necessary steps are taken in the event of inaction on the part of the company's management.

E. Competencies of the Auditors

The safeguarding function requires a wide range of competencies from auditors. In-depth specialist knowledge as a central building block is supplemented by in-depth knowledge of the industry and the company. Job-related competencies, such as communication, negotiation and project management skills, are increasingly coming to the fore. This is due, among other things, to the management work of employees in national and international projects. The areas of tension surrounding relationships with shareholders, corporate management bodies and other stakeholders are also increasingly calling for the profession-related competencies of auditors.

F. Professional conduct requirements in auditing

Auditors always act independently and in the public interest. In this regard, a critical attitude is an essential element in the practice of the profession. Comprehensive legal duties of confidentiality must be observed. The mandates entrusted to them must be fulfilled with due care within the framework of the applicable legal system and to the best of their knowledge and belief.

G. Licensing and supervision in the field of auditing

Swiss auditors are subject to licensing by the Swiss Federal Audit Oversight Authority (FAOA). The federal diploma directly qualifies for a corresponding license. Auditors of public interest entities are also subject to oversight and regular review by the FAOA. The trust of clients and the public in the profession is based on these foundations.

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Paths to becoming a "certified public accountant

Anyone who wants to make a career in auditing cannot avoid training to become a federally certified auditor. Only those who have passed the diploma examination are allowed to take on their own mandates, audit annual financial statements and act as experts in economic matters. As a result of the changes in training associated with the Bologna reforms, there have been new examination regulations (PO) since 2009, which make training and examinations easier and more flexible.

Admitted according to the examination regulations are:

  • Persons with a Master's degree and a doctorate - depending on the field of study, also with crediting of learning achievements already made.
  • Bachelor graduates
  • Persons with a professional qualification and further training in a specific field, e.g. fiduciary with a federal certificate of proficiency or certified expert in accounting and controlling.
  • Persons with a degree from a federally recognized university of applied sciences, a higher technical school of economics or equivalent training in Switzerland or abroad (in the latter case, the Examination Commission decides on an individual basis)
  • For other degrees see PO Art. 3.3

With an above-mentioned degree and an employment contract with an auditing company, the professional entry into this future-oriented industry is achieved.



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