Bachelor of Science HES-SO (BSc) in Business Information Systems

Bachelor of Science HES-SO (BSc) in Business Information Systems

Provider: HES-SO Valais-Wallis - School of Management

CHF 1’000
3 years
Novice level
English, Deutsch
Rte de la Plaine 2 3960 Siders



Your profession - Your future

The Bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems (Valais University of Applied Sciences) combines technology with business, giving students the ability to analyze, develop and manage business information systems.

This innovative education prepares students for the challenges in the new digital economy, including in highly specialized fields such as health, energy and environment, entertainment or web.

The pluridisciplinary curriculum focuses on software development, management and communication. In subjects such as programming, data mining, network and IT security, students acquire knowledge of the latest technologies (even without prior knowledge). Furthermore, the education includes lectures in ethics, marketing, entrepreneurship, IT law and IT project management.

Business IT specialists play an important role in today's digital world. This unique combination of soft skills, technical skills and business know-how is in high demand in the job market.


Vocational baccalaureate: Direct access depending on the type of baccalaureate and the EFZ, otherwise access with one year of work experience in a profession related to the UAS degree program.

Gymnasium baccalaureate: Access with one year of work experience in an occupation related to the UAS degree program.

Fachmatura: Direct access depending on the orientation in connection with the chosen UAS degree program, otherwise access with one year of work experience in an occupation related to the UAS degree program.

HF diploma (Höhere Fachschule): Holders of an HF diploma may be admitted to bachelor's degree programs after an additional year of training and recognition of certain modules (validation of educational achievements).

Foreign degrees: The same conditions apply if the degree is recognized as equivalent to one of the Swiss degrees listed above. Further information

Diplomas not listed above

Admission sur dossier of persons aged 25 and over who do not meet the general conditions for admission listed in the Regulations on Admission, but who in the course of their professional career have acquired competencies equivalent to the required degrees, both professional and personal.

Validation of the acquired experience

The validation of a certain number of ECTS credits through the crediting of active years (education, professional and extra-professional experience) makes it possible to shorten the length of the course of study. The UAE makes it possible to obtain ECTS credits in the form of equivalences and, consequently, to begin studies with a lower workload.



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