Provider: Institut Supérieur de Formation Bancaire
Financial advice for private clients has long focused on the investment aspect.
Today, only a global vision of the client's assets allows him to make an optimal financial decision. Indeed, throughout an individual's life, his personal, professional and wealth situation changes, with repercussions on his income, assets, expenses or commitments.
Financial planning is therefore a dynamic concept which consists of analysing a client's situation according to the main aspects of his assets: financial investments, real estate investments, pension and insurance aspects, but also his tax situation and the inheritance and matrimonial aspects concerning him. It then consists of proposing a set of savings and investment solutions that allow certain key parameters to be optimised, taking into account different future scenarios.
In a transparent and tax-compliant world, the ability to offer a global approach makes it possible to stand out from the crowd by providing comprehensive professional advice where the client is at the centre of attention.
On a personal level, this course will also enable participants to analyse and optimise their own financial situation.
This training, which is resolutely practice-oriented, will begin with an analysis of the various instruments available (real estate, taxation, provident funds, etc.) before gathering and applying all this knowledge in an integration exercise based on a real case.