Active for more than 30 years in the development of banking and finance skills, the Institut Supérieur de Formation Bancaire (ISFB) is today the reference in French-speaking Switzerland for continuing education, certification and career management. This leading position enables us to actively contribute to the success of all the players in the Swiss financial centre by strengthening their expertise and competitiveness.
In order to meet the needs of the industry, we have developed a comprehensive range of courses that we are constantly updating. To this end, we maintain partnerships with leading universities of applied sciences and institutions of higher education. Our trainers, members and partners also provide us with a collective intelligence and a global vision of the industry. These advantages are further strengthened by our associative nature, which unites us all around one objective commun : to meet the challenges of tomorrow's finance together.
ISO 29990 and ISO 9001 certified, we are the only SAQ-accredited player in French-speaking Switzerland and intervene throughout the value chain of our training courses.