Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Kalaidos FH in Digital Transformation

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Kalaidos FH in Digital Transformation

Provider: Private University of Applied Sciences Business PHW Bern

CHF 8’500
6 months
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
English, Deutsch



Digitization forms the foundation on which science, business and society will build today and in the future. Our Switzerland is fundamentally very well positioned to master the digital transformation. The basis for a successful continuation is positivism, openness, self-confidence, courage, initiative, passion and decency. The protagonists of this pacesetter program and their institutions combine the aforementioned virtues and move forward together to shape the change as well as to take advantage of the diverse opportunities. Experts, scientists and entrepreneurs from Germany and abroad participate in this program of today and tomorrow.


  • Completed university studies. Educational pathways via vocational training, further education and professional practical experience can be recognized via the sur dossier route (individual clarification with the head of the study program).



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