Federal Diploma in Facility Management

Federal Diploma in Facility Management

Provider: Strickhof

CHF 20’000
1 year — 2 years
Novice level
Federal diploma / higher technical examination



The preparatory course for the Higher Professional Examination is aimed at specialists from a specialist area of FM who want to expand their professional competencies. Your goal is to perceive the multi-layered FM processes and problems holistically and to exercise a central leadership function.

Diversity an added value

Our part-time, 3-semester course brings you the following added value:

  • Expansion of the professional field beyond individual sub-areas of FM, to holistic facility management with an integral understanding of seams
  • Complementation of sector-specific expertise with the FM specialist topics:
    Hospitality Management, Technical Facility Management and Real Estate Management
  • Individual control of further training through the modular training structure
  • Securing of a continuous career planning based on professional examination and professional certificate up to the higher professional examination, the next higher level of vocational training
  • Access to master's and postgraduate degree programs and courses at the university of applied sciences level (in accordance with their admission requirements)


According to the examination regulations, admission to the Advanced Federal Diploma Examination is granted to those who,

  • a federally recognized professional or higher professional examination, a diploma from a higher professional school (HF), a university of applied sciences (UAS) or another equivalent qualification


  • at least 3 years of professional experience in the field of facility management by the examination date.

The examination regulations are determined by the sponsoring associations. The examination board is responsible for the implementation of the regulations, the preparation of the guide with the learning content as well as the execution of the federal examination.



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