Bachelor of Arts in Italian language, literature and civilization

Bachelor of Arts in Italian language, literature and civilization

Provider: Università della Svizzera italiana

CHF 12’000
3 years
Expert level
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13 6900 Lugano



In a time of uncertainty and transience such as ours, approaching literature can constitute access to a different dimension of "inner duration" that restores to us a time and space endowed with meaning and inhabitable, a necessary condition for regaining true right of citizenship in the world. This is not a solipsistic activity: from its etymological root, literature in fact refers back to a plural dimension, confronts us with anotherness that immediately becomes dialogue. The strength of literature lies in its inexhaustible experimentation with hypotheses of reality, continuous and changing possible worlds that solicit our intelligence and sensitivity. That is why literature gives us, so to speak, a solitude full of exciting encounters, leads us from the closeness of our rooms to the most crowded crossroads, proving to be, for all intents and purposes, a decisiveexperience.

The Bachelor's program in Italian Language, Literature and Civilization offered by the Institute of Italian Studies is based on a deep interweaving of knowledge between literature, linguistics, art and history. A heritage transmitted and shared for centuries throughout the world, which today offers itself to us not as a mere repository of memory, but as a promising viaticum for the future. Under the guidance of a faculty of international training and prestige, students will achieve a solid and articulated education on the basis of a main area of specialization (Italian Language and Literature) and a second area of study (History of Art, History, History of Philosophy or Communication Sciences), having then the possibility to continue their studies in Switzerland or continue them in Italy.


Swiss diplomas awarded in Switzerland and abroad

  • Federal baccalaureate or cantonal baccalaureate recognized by the Federal Baccalaureate Commission;
  • cantonal commercial baccalaureate;
  • baccalaureates awarded by Swiss schools abroad;
  • final degree from a university of applied sciences or diploma from a higher technical school recognized by the competent federal agencies (for these cases, where the same course of study is involved, the Faculties reserve the right to decide on admission to an advanced semester or to exempt from examinations or practice periods);
  • holders of Matura degrees issued by Swiss schools abroad are equally admitted.



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