Bachelor in Communication

Bachelor in Communication

Provider: Università della Svizzera italiana

CHF 12’000
3 years
Expert level
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13 6900 Lugano



The Bachelor of Science in Communication is a three-year course of theoretical studies that enable the student to acquire also a series of practical tools for the understanding and management of communication and its political, economic and socio-cultural implications. To obtain the diploma in Communication, students must earn 180 ECTS, choosing one of the three possible specialisations:

  •    Business, markets and society,
  •    Media Studies and Journalism,
  •    Culture and Communication Technologies.

The courses are taught is in Italian for the first two years, while from the third year a number of courses are given in English, with the possibility to learn other languages as well.


Swiss diplomas, awarded in Switzerland

  •    Maturità federale and Maturità cantonale recognised by the appropriate Federal Commission;
  •    Maturità commerciale cantonale (Scuola cantonale di commercio, Bellinzona);
  •    Final diploma from a university of applied sciences or diploma of a technical college recognised by the appropriate federal authorities: in these cases, where the field of study selected is the same as the previous one, the single Faculties may recommend admitting candidates to an advanced level of the programme and exempt them from particular examinations or from the internship period.
  •    School-leaving certificates issued by Swiss schools abroad are equally accepted.



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