Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Provider: Università della Svizzera italiana

CHF 12’000
3 years
Novice level
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13 6900 Lugano



The Bachelor in Economics at Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland is offered by the Faculty of Economics and all classes are taught by professors and lecturers who all have a strong academic record and that have taught and done research in some of the world’s foremost universities.

The first two semesters of the programme consist of 10 mandatory foundation courses. The third semester introduces a first choice of pre-specialization courses, divided into 4 streams:


The Economics stream prepares future economists to meet the needs for analysis and understanding of markets,evaluation of economic policies, the interaction between private and public sectors and the functioning of government and non-governmental agencies


The Management stream is designed to provide solid training in the field of human resource management,strategy and production policies, auditing and marketing of small, medium and large companies, both public and private.


The Finance stream represents the first step towards a comprehensive education designed to address the needs in the national and international finance sector. The Swiss financial marketplace, including Lugano, seeks specialists in financial markets and risk management theory.

Quantitative methods

The Quantitative Methods stream offers fundamental training to future experts in the field of analysis of economic and financial events. In addition to mathematics,statistics and econometrics, the stream introduces quantitative methods for modelling in economics and finance, as well as modules for the empirical work on data and courses in economics, quantitative finance and management.


Swiss diplomas, awarded in Switzerland

  •    Maturità federale and Maturità cantonale recognised by the appropriate Federal Commission;
  •    Maturità commerciale cantonale (Scuola cantonale di commercio, Bellinzona);
  •    Final diploma from a university of applied sciences or diploma of a technical college recognised by the appropriate federal authorities: in these cases, where the field of study selected is the same as the previous one, the single Faculties may recommend admitting candidates to an advanced level of the programme and exempt them from particular examinations or from the internship period.
  •    School-leaving certificates issued by Swiss schools abroad are equally accepted.



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