Provider: Center Education - Business School KV Aargau East
The further education for fiduciary clerks is a follow-up course of the further education for accounting clerks
With this in-depth semester, you will supplement your specialist knowledge of accounting in the core fiduciary topics of tax and law.
The quality label is the sponsor of this course. The degree is a sought-after advantage in the job market and paves your way to becoming a fiduciary with a federal certificate of proficiency, if you so wish.
The goals
Within one semester, you will acquire fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in the most important areas of trusteeship, such as accounting, law, social insurance, taxes, trustee practice and auditing.
In the linking and in-depth subject, you will apply the in-depth knowledge directly in complex case studies. Finally, you will be able to independently assess simple mandates and provide qualified support in more complex cases.
For whom?
The Fiduciary Officer course is designed for anyone who is interested in fiduciary issues and has or wants to have something to do with them professionally.