Sales specialist with federal certificate of proficiency

Sales specialist with federal certificate of proficiency

Provider: Center Education - Business School KV Aargau East

CHF 9’600
1 year
Novice level
Swiss Federal Diploma
Baden AG



Are you already working in marketing, communications, PR or sales and have gained initial professional experience? Now you want to advance your career? Then the further education for sales specialists with federal certificate at zB. Zentrum Bildung is made for you. In two semesters, this course prepares you directly for the federal professional examination.

The goals

Sales specialists work in all industries and ensure that company goals are achieved, from the planning to the implementation of sales measures.

In this continuing education course, you will be given the complete range of current sales expertise in a practice-oriented manner. Among other things, you will learn to create sales concepts, to take care of customer service or sales processes, or to design offers based on market analyses, and much more.

After completing this course, you will be eligible to take the shortened form of the Higher Professional School of Marketing - this is the HFMxtra at the zB. Center for Education.

For whom.

Future sales professionals are currently or will soon be working in a wide variety of sales or even marketing industries in areas such as direct or online marketing, public relations or advertising.

They would like to support the sales management or be independently responsible for an area such as key account management.


  • Completion of at least 3 years of basic vocational training, certificate of secondary technical school or high school diploma (or diploma of a state-recognized commercial high school)
  • and at least 2 years of relevant professional experience
  • or completion of 2-year basic vocational training (EBA)
  • and at least 3 years of relevant professional experience

The required professional experience must be available at the time of admission.



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