Provider: WKS KV Education Bern
Are you aiming for a management position in accounting and controlling? Then, in addition to your professional experience, you will acquire extensive knowledge in theory and practice for your expert assignment in a company in the private or public sector. In the 5-semester continuing education program, you will also be prepared for the higher professional examination.
The course serves as preparation for the higher professional examination (in cooperation with Controller Akademie Zürich). The course participant is aiming for a management position in a company, has sufficient professional experience at the time of the diploma examination and has acquired thorough knowledge in theory and practice for use as an Expert:in for Accounting and Controlling in 5 semesters.
After successful completion of the advanced training, you will be a specialist:in at the highest level, but also broadly applicable in all areas of accounting. You will be able to work in a variety of ways in private and public companies, where you will also be able to take on managerial positions.