Certificate of Advanced Studies in Behavioral Insights for Marketing

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Behavioral Insights for Marketing

Provider: Zurich University of Applied Sciences

CHF 8’200
4 months
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



Irrational and predictable? You want to understand your customers better? Do you want to positively influence consumption and purchasing decisions? Or were you fascinated by Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast and Slow", but don't know how to implement the contents in your everyday marketing?

The CAS Behavioral Insights for Marketing is one of the first courses in Switzerland that combines insights from behavioral economics and consumer psychology and makes them tangible for practical applications in marketing. We call the combination of Behavioral Economics and Psychology Behavioral Insights.

Learn how to apply the theories and insights of behavioral economics and psychology, such as those of Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler, to your marketing practice. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of how consumers' consumption and purchasing decisions can be explained and influenced by targeted marketing measures.

Individual consumers show seemingly irrational behavior patterns in their evaluations, judgments and decisions in certain situations. Suitable tools are needed to analyze and understand these patterns of thought and behavior. With the help of current concepts, research methods and tools, you will be trained to identify such patterns and to derive effective marketing and communication measures from the findings.

The CAS Behavioral Insights for Marketing can be taken individually or as part of the MAS Marketing Management and MAS Product Management.

Target audience

The CAS Behavioral Insights for Marketing is aimed at people responsible for marketing, communication and market research in all sectors. The primary target group is people from the B-to-C sector. However, the course is also open to interested parties from the B-to-B sector, since a transfer of the contents to corresponding business areas is easily possible. Basic knowledge in marketing and communication is an advantage.

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  • Graduates of universities of applied sciences or universities with at least three years of professional experience in marketing or related fields are admitted.
  • Professionals without a university degree can be admitted provided they have at least six years of the above-mentioned professional experience and corresponding further education certificates (higher technical college or higher technical examination with federal certificate/diploma).
  • The final admission decision is made by the study management after an admission interview.



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