Certificate of Advanced Studies ZFH in Blockchain

Certificate of Advanced Studies ZFH in Blockchain

Provider: Zurich University of Applied Sciences

CHF 8’000
4.5 months
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



The concept of the blockchain became known through the article "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", which was published under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. In the meantime, there are countless cryptocurrencies and numerous use cases even outside the financial industry. In the CAS, the basic concepts and latest developments of this trending technology will be addressed. Blockchain-based business applications are tested for their practicality and analyzed independently, with the aim of being able to develop their own Blockchain projects. The necessary analysis and innovation methods are developed with the think tank 'Dezentrum', co-founder of the Zurich Blockchain Hub 'Trust Square', among others.

Target audience

The CAS Blockchain is aimed at those responsible for digital transformation from various sectors of the economy as well as institutions of public administration, who have to decide on the conception and development of Blockchain projects and who have the following characteristics:

  • Leaders who want to understand and assess Blockchain principles and related challenges (legal issues, business value, etc.)
  • Entrepreneurs who want to evaluate the application of Blockchains and understand the potential of a Blockchain and develop new business applications.
  • Project managers who have a comprehensive knowledge of blockchain and want to understand and evaluate the associated problem areas.

Also addressed are the following roles/functions from development and project management who would like to explore the potentials and business applications of Blockchains:

  • Chief Digital Officers
  • Business Developers
  • Business Analysts
  • Business Engineers


The certificate course is intended for graduates of

  • of universities (FH/University) with at least 3 years of professional experience
  • as well as professionals without a university degree with at least 5 years of professional experience and corresponding further education certificates (higher technical college or higher technical examination with federal certificate/diploma).

Knowledge of English is a prerequisite, as the course of study involves working with English literature.

The head of studies decides on the final admission.



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