Certificate of Advanced Studies ZFH in Digital Technologies and Innovation

Certificate of Advanced Studies ZFH in Digital Technologies and Innovation

Provider: Zurich University of Applied Sciences

CHF 8’000
1 month — 6 months
Novice level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



Are you still innovating or are you already digitizing? Everything that can be digitized will be digitized. This is just a question of time and business model. Digitization is increasingly becoming the driving force for innovations that challenge traditional business logics. Digital technologies play a crucial role in product, service and business model innovations. How can a company capitalize on technology trends to drive "digital" innovation early?

Target audience

The CAS is aimed at managers, specialists and executives in product management, product development and innovation, as well as department heads in the area of product or service innovation. It is also aimed at technical (project) managers and consultants, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Information Officers and marketing specialists with an interest in technology-driven product development.


By attending the certificate course, you will learn innovation management techniques as well as digital technology trends and deal with real-world applications. At the same time, we will teach you strategic technology management paired with deep dives into technology applications. You will gain a basis for developing new innovations through digital technologies in your own company.


The CAS has a modular structure. It is divided into two modules:

Module 1 - Business Innovation Management (6 ECTS).

  • Innovation impulses: innovation scouting, market pull vs. business model push, open innovation
  • Product, service and business model innovation through digital technologies: digital product features and services, new business models, real-world examples and success-critical characteristic
  • Innovation competence: method toolbox for systematic idea generation for digital innovations

Module 2 - Digital Technology Impact (6 ECTS)

  • Digital Technology Trends: Overview of technology trends, trends such as Internet of Things, virtual / augmented reality or 3-D printing.
  • Strategic technology management: technology scouting, strategic IP protection, legal stumbling blocks of digital transformation
  • Digital futures: industry-specific scenario development and implications for practice


In this certificate course, the following methods are used in contact teaching:
Presentations by lecturers and practitioners, exercises, discussions, elaboration of best practices as well as presentations. The participants are taught a method toolbox for systematic idea generation and try it out in group work.
Relevant specialist literature is compiled for supplementation in self-study. The students also prepare the required performance certificates independently.

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The certificate course is aimed at graduates of higher education institutions (UAS/university) with at least 3 years of professional experience as well as professionals without a university degree with at least 5 years of professional experience and corresponding further education certificates (higher technical school or higher technical examination with federal certificate/diploma).
Knowledge of English is required because the course works with English literature.

The head of studies decides on the final admission.



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