Certificate of Advanced Studies in Leadership and Collaboration in Non-Profit Organizations (15 ECTS)

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Leadership and Collaboration in Non-Profit Organizations (15 ECTS)

Provider: Zurich University of Applied Sciences

CHF 8’300
3 weeks
Novice level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



Responsible leadership and future-oriented design.
Leadership is challenging. Anyone who leads employees, a project group, a team or an entire institution assumes responsibility, shapes processes, drives change and wants to advance the organization as a whole: all of this in a field of tension between different expectations.

Supporting employees and managing oneself.
Managers are service providers for their organization and their employees. They select specialists, shape decision-making processes, solve problems and organize teamwork to achieve goals. Those who work effectively for their organization must always keep an eye on their own resources. Leadership begins with self-leadership.

Learning from other perspectives.
The CAS provides participants with comprehensive basic knowledge and practical methods for leading people and teams. The heterogeneous group of participants ensures that different perspectives, cultures and leadership approaches are incorporated into the discussions and group work. Theoretical impulses, exchange in the group, learning from case studies and reflection on the individual understanding of leadership are important elements of the training. Participants are supported by lecturers with broad leadership and consulting experience from the non-profit and for-profit sectors.


The CAS enables participants to perform their leadership tasks competently and successfully. It provides theoretical knowledge and practical tools for self-leadership as well as for leading employees and teams. Based on selected leadership topics, participants deepen their know-how and develop their own understanding of leadership. Reflection and feedback support them in expanding their competencies in everyday leadership.


Module 1: Leadership basics and theories (5 ECTS)

  • Leadership: from theory to action
  • Leadership dilemmas
  • Labor law
  • Final colloquium

Module 2: Personnel management and team development (5 ECTS)

  • Communication in all directions
  • Personnel development and inclusion management
  • Leadership Solution Lab
  • Agile and collegial leadership
  • Citylight
  • Collegial consulting

Module 3: Self-leadership (5 ECTS)

  • Self-leadership
  • Performance competence
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A degree in social work or a related discipline from a university (or its predecessor institution) is required. In addition to at least two years of professional experience after graduation, line management experience is also required. Those who do not meet the formal requirements may be admitted through an equivalency process. For more information: www.zhaw.ch/sozialearbeit/wb-zulassung.

Target audience

The CAS is aimed at managers - in particular team, department and division leaders from organizations in the social, health and education sectors as well as from companies. We address proactive people who are looking forward to questioning their patterns of action and thinking and who want to be inspired by a lively learning atmosphere.



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