Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (12 ECTS)

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (12 ECTS)

Provider: Zurich University of Applied Sciences

CHF 7’500
3 weeks
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



The CAS Human Resources Management in the Public Sector imparts knowledge about the rights and obligations of employers and employees under personnel law as well as the competence to correctly deal with sensitive cases. In addition, you will learn the basics of modern leadership and deal with your personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to the contents of the course in the Development Center. Another focus of the CAS is the targeted use of leadership tools in the public sector and the proactive design of change processes.

At the same time, the CAS forms the third of four course parts of the modular MAS in Public Management of the Institute of Public Management.


Graduates will be able to

  • describe the appeal procedure in personnel law
  • correctly assess concrete personnel law cases from a legal point of view
  • activate the competencies of their employees for the achievement of organizational goals
  • identify opportunities for improvement of HCM systems
  • formulate their own development goals and monitor the achievement of these goals
  • reflect on their own understanding of leadership and leadership behavior
  • lead in conflict situations
  • design organizational change processes


Module 1: Personnel management

  • Personnel law (legal basics and working aids)
  • Human Capital Management (personnel marketing, development and
  • Development Center (review of individual strengths and weaknesses, formulation of personal development goals)

Module 2: Leadership, ethics and change management

  • Leadership (leadership models/instruments, leadership in challenging situations)
  • Change management (designing organizational change processes, dealing with resistance)


Each module comprises a workload of 150 hours (development center, contact lessons and self-study together). Certificates of achievement according to the module plan.

Development Center
Within the framework of a Development Center at the beginning of the course, students learn about their strengths and weaknesses as (prospective) managers and are given the opportunity to tap into their potential and expand their competencies through individual and group coaching.

Contact lessons
The contact lessons serve on the one hand to impart professional knowledge and on the other hand to transfer practical knowledge. Within the framework of workshops, individual and group work as well as case studies, participants are given the opportunity to link the theoretical knowledge with their everyday professional situation.

Self-study is used, among other things, to study literature, prepare for and follow up on classes, work on exercises and assignments, and prepare or work on certificates of achievement.


Part-time, in a period of approx. 6 months

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Regular admission

Students who meet the following requirements are admitted to the CAS:

  • Degree from a higher education institution (university or university of applied sciences),
  • Professional experience of at least three years in public administration or an administration-related company or in an NPO, including at least one year in a management function.

'Sur dossier' admission

Individuals who do not hold a university degree will be admitted if they meet the following requirements:

  • A degree comparable to a university degree or completion of a commercial apprenticeship,
  • Professional experience of generally at least five years in public administration or an administration-related company or in an NPO, of which at least one year in a management function.

Target audience

The CAS is primarily aimed at employees from the following areas:

  • Administrations
  • Public organizations
  • Private organizations with a public mandate

In particular, employees with management functions and personnel management tasks are addressed.



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