Certificate of Advanced Studies FH in Transformational Leadership

Certificate of Advanced Studies FH in Transformational Leadership

Provider: Bank Consulting Center

CHF 15’600
2 years
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



Focus on your leadership qualities

Modern managers are crucial success factors in companies. However, in view of the multi-layered demands of today's working world, existing leadership concepts are reaching their limits and need to be rethought in their application. Fresh impulses are needed in addition to the tried and tested. In order to rethink one's own behavior and inspire others with it, curiosity, openness and the courage to implement changes are needed. Within the framework of the CAS in Transformational Leadership, you will have the opportunity to deal specifically with your leadership.

Flexible module design

The modular structure and didactic concept allow you to design the program to fit your schedule. The sequence of the individual modules can be freely chosen, only the pit stop should be completed as a start.

Network and sparring partners

You benefit from a unique network of participants from other Inland Banks. Tailored to your needs, you will receive personal support from bbz during the CAS.

Practice-oriented content

You will be accompanied by experienced speakers from the fields of business, psychology and top-level sports. The modules are highly interactive and focus on the transfer to your personal leadership practice.


  • Successfully completed, qualifying further training in the last few years (a sur-dossier admission will be decided on a situational basis)
  • Willingness to reflect on and further develop own leadership behavior



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