Business economist Dipl. Oek. BVS (2nd year BA)

Business economist Dipl. Oek. BVS (2nd year BA)

Provider: BVS Business-School Switzerland

1 year
Novice level



Rapidly advancing technological developments, increasing competition, the diverse demands of investors, customers and employees and many other developments in the environment of a company contribute to the fact that the demands on corporate management are rising. Practical training in the field of business management, which enables professional action and reaction to these developments, is therefore becoming increasingly important.

The graduate business economist VSK possesses the skills to manage a company from a business management point of view and to develop it successfully. With his/her professional and social skills, he/she meets the expectations of customers, employees and investors.

The final examination of the Association of Swiss Management Schools (VSK) for the Dipl. Betriebsökonom/in is on the level of a federal higher professional examination and thus on the highest level of professional further education in Switzerland.

This course corresponds to the 2nd year of the Bachelor's degree and is fully credited to it.


After successful completion of the Business Economist Dipl. Oek. BVS, they will be able to recognize and correctly interpret entrepreneurial contexts and competently apply the knowledge they have acquired. In practice, they occupy a middle management level. The knowledge of business administration makes the profession of business economists more attractive in practice. Thanks to their broad-based training, BVS business economists can be deployed flexibly and in a variety of ways.


The course "Business Economist Dipl. Oek. BVS" is aimed at all managers from the middle management level who wish to complete a contemporary and demanding business management education. Practitioners with management experience from the middle management level and the corresponding basic management knowledge are also admitted to the course Dipl. Betriebsökonom/-in BVS, provided they meet the requirements.

They must have the diploma Dipl. Kaufmann/-frau BVS (Management Basic Course) or an equivalent education.



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