Management specialist with federal certificate of proficiency

Management specialist with federal certificate of proficiency

Provider: BVS Business-School Switzerland

2 years
Novice level
Swiss Federal Diploma



Management specialists work in profit and non-profit oriented private companies and/or in public administration and lead a group or a team interactively in terms of personnel and expertise.

The course of studies to become a management specialist with a federal certificate of proficiency enables successful graduates to lead employees and companies in the demanding professional world. After this further education you will be able to apply your leadership skills professionally and methodically and to continuously develop your team.


This course lays the foundation for taking on management tasks or making them more efficient and is therefore aimed at prospective managers or those already in positions of responsibility. The further education meets a high demand of the economy and is a great opportunity for those who have been trained for the first time, which is encouraged in many companies today.


This training to become a management specialist is suitable for clerks in business and administration who want to prepare for a management position and the assumption of additional responsibility, and for managers in the technical, commercial or industrial environment who want to continue their education in a holistic manner and acquire effective leadership skills for themselves and their company.

Access requirements

The BVS management training concept enables you to obtain two certificates recognized by the Swiss Association for Management Training (SVF), namely the Management Certificate and the Leadership Certificate. On the other hand, the completion of the Higher Business Diploma HWD VSK is at the same time a Management Certificate* recognized by the SVF. You only need to complete the Leadership modules to receive the SVF Leadership Certificate.

In accordance with SVF-ASFC regulations Art. 8, admission to the professional examination (federal certificate) is granted to those who:

a) is in possession of a federal certificate of proficiency, a high school diploma or a diploma equivalent to these certificates and can prove at least three years of professional experience, of which at least one year as a leader of a group/team;

b) is not in possession of a certificate according to lit. A, but has at least five years of professional experience, of which at least one year as a leader of a group/team;

c) has the required module degrees or certificates of equivalence.

*The Examination and Quality Assurance Commission has drawn up principles for the handling of equivalence applications and, in an annex to this, a list of the training courses and degrees that can be recognized. In the principles you will also find information about the expectations regarding management experience.



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