Provider: University of Applied Sciences for Tourism Graubünden
The University of Applied Sciences for Tourism (HFT) Graubünden prepares you in two or three years optimally for a job and career in the tourism industry. The federally recognized course of study is extremely practice-oriented and provides you with both in-depth industry knowledge and general knowledge in economics, marketing, communication, information technology, ecology and law.
During the 3 or 2 years of study, the HFT will provide you with a broad know-how as well as important competencies and crucial key qualifications that you need for a successful future. The lessons don't just take place in the classroom: you study where others go on vacation - in the heart of tourism. The numerous events, sports and PR events in the Engadine allow you to experience tourism first hand. Lecturers from the business world, speakers from the field, former students, but also the entire environment will help you to build your network for the future. Many students already find their future employers during their studies.
In order to be able to take into account the individual needs of the students, the HFT has developed two flexible study variants:
In addition, you have the unique opportunity to obtain a Bachelor in Tourism at the UAS Graubünden in Chur with only one additional year.
To be able to start your studies with us, you must have at least one of the following qualifications:
Furthermore, you should have a minimum of B1 level English.
If you do not have any accounting knowledge, you can attend our internal 3-day accounting pre-course. If you attend, you will not incur any additional costs. Alternatively, you can show us a qualification certificate of a course corresponding to this.
For a dispensation from the internship year we require, in addition to the above-mentioned qualifications, at least two years of relevant, qualified professional experience in the fields of tourism or marketing (at least one year of which in tourism).