Bachelor of Science HES-SO in Business Administration

Bachelor of Science HES-SO in Business Administration

Provider: Fribourg School of Economics / Haute école de gestion Fribourg

CHF 3’000
3 years
Novice level
English, Deutsch



A contemporary, practice-oriented education

Thanks to our practice-oriented training system, employers particularly appreciate our graduates' broad range of knowledge, interdisciplinary skills and pragmatic approach. At the end of their training, they possess solid management skills and have the necessary tools and abilities to solve concrete problems. Employment opportunities as a specialist or generalist in business are numerous and varied, whether in SMEs or multinational companies, in cultural activities or NGOs, in government agencies or the federal government.

The multicultural environment of the school fosters the open-minded spirit of our students. Thanks to the multilingual orientation of the program, you will acquire all the knowledge of economics not only in your mother tongue, but also in French or German and English. This means that you are ideally prepared for the wide range of professional fields of activity not only in Switzerland, but also on an international level.

Multilingualism: A unique offer in Switzerland

We have long embraced the multicultural identity of the city of Fribourg, insofar as we offer you the opportunity to complete your studies in a variety of languages. You can complete your studies entirely in German, but you also have the option of studying in two languages (German and French) or in three languages (German, French and English).

Structure and curriculum

The HSW Fribourg offers a modular study program, whereby a module consists of several courses. With each completed module, students earn a certain number of ECTS credits (credit points).

In the first semesters, students acquire basic knowledge in economics and management (financial management, taxes and law, management and human resources, marketing, economics, mathematics, computer science, statistics, communication and foreign languages).

In the last two semesters, apart from some predefined courses, students can choose among different options. The options allow students to work under practical conditions. Thus, a quarter of the program (options and bachelor thesis) can be adapted to personal preferences.

The following options are available at HSW:

  • PME & Entrepreneurship/Innovation
  • Leadership & Human Resources
  • Marketing & Strategy
  • Banking & Finance
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Digital Business

Bachelor thesis

In the final semester, students write a bachelor's thesis on a topic related to business management or administration. This thesis is practice-oriented and deals with a problem or project of a company or organization.

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Admission regulations

The admission regulations for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program are based on the regulations of the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland HES-SO. The aim of the admission policy is to achieve the necessary educational background for graduating from a university of applied sciences:

  • Professional baccalaureate in business and services (1): admitted without conditions.
  • Vocational baccalaureate in business and services (business type) (1): Admitted without conditions
  • Matura with EFZ in the subject area (1): Accepted without conditions
  • Matura with EFZ outside the subject area (1): Accepted with professional practice
  • Other officially recognized Matura: Accepted with professional practice
  • EFZ without Matura: Not accepted
  • Commercial diploma without Matura: Not accepted
  • Other diplomas: Please contact the secretariat
  • Foreign diplomas: Please contact the secretariat

(1)List of EFZ in the field:

  • EFZ Kaufmann / Kauffrau - EFZ
  • Retail trade specialist - EFZ
  • Retail trade employee - EFZ
  • Media technician - EFZ
  • Logistics technician - EFZ
  • Druggist - EFZ
  • Customer dialogue specialist - EFZ
  • Pharmaceutical assistant - EFZ
  • Public transport specialist - EFZ
  • Information and Documentation Specialist - EFZ
  • Bookseller - EFZ
  • Publishing bookseller - EFZ
  • Hotel communication specialist (m/f)

Conditions for professional practice

In general, the field of activity in the professional practice must be related to business or administration. Although one year of professional practice is not required at 100% for holders of a Matura in combination with an EFZ in the subject area, it is highly recommended to have gained some professional experience prior to studying at a HSW.

Knowledge of accounting

The entry level in accounting corresponds to the initial competencies of the commercial vocational baccalaureate. Holders of a non-business vocational baccalaureate or a baccalaureate from a grammar school must strive to acquire the required entry level in accounting through self-study or by attending courses in accounting. In this regard, it could be helpful to complete the professional internship in a function in which mainly accounting tasks are to be performed.

Language skills

At the beginning of the program, students are required to have B1 level of proficiency in the foreign languages French and English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Students are encouraged to close any existing gaps in foreign languages before beginning their studies.

Change of Orientation (VZ or BB).

Any change of orientation (from full-time to part-time or vice versa) must be submitted to the Bachelor Directorate no later than April 30. After this date, it may reject such a change for administrative reasons, if necessary. In addition, please note that in order to change from a full-time to a part-time class, the student must be in possession of an employment contract that provides for a professional activity of at least 50%.



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