Certificate of Advanced Studies HES-SO in ESG and Sustainable Leadership

Certificate of Advanced Studies HES-SO in ESG and Sustainable Leadership

Provider: Fribourg School of Economics / Haute école de gestion Fribourg

CHF 10’000
1 month — 6 months
Expert level
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)



AS ESG and sustainable management

Companies that want to remain fit for the future are striving to become sustainable. But what does the term 'sustainability' actually mean? To what extent is it misused (keyword 'greenwashing')? How do the authorities want to promote or regulate sustainability in business and society, and what opportunities and risks does this present for my organization? How can effective sustainability performance be successfully communicated and how does this result in a 'return on investment'? The CAS 'ESG and Sustainable Leadership' specifically addresses these questions and thus provides a framework for the development of a future-proof sustainability strategy. It also enables participants to specifically measure and compare the sustainability performance of their organization and, based on this, to create an automated sustainability report that is compatible with the latest regulatory requirements. This is possible using a practical monitoring, rating and reporting tool called esg2go (www.esg2go.org). It was developed and tested by the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the Fribourg School of Business (HSW-F) together with various partners in business and society and launched as a user-friendly product in summer 2022.


University degree (university of applied sciences, state-recognized university or technical university) and at least three years of relevant professional experience.

Persons who do not meet the above requirements but have sufficient professional experience and additional qualifications may be admitted "sur dossier" following an admissions interview. The head of degree program decides on final admission.



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