NDS HF in Management and Leadership, specialization in Financial Management

NDS HF in Management and Leadership, specialization in Financial Management

Provider: KV Business School Zurich

CHF 17’290
1 year
Expert level



This attractive postgraduate program bridges the gap between profound practical knowledge and academic thinking for the first time. The Financial Management specialization is provided by the Controller Academy.

In this postgraduate program, you will develop, expand and network your leadership and management skills comprehensively and gain a strategic perspective in your field.
In the first two modules, you will learn to make, present, systematically document and implement management decisions methodically. You will deal with current management and leadership topics in a practical and case-oriented manner. You will be enabled to

  • to take on complex technical and personnel management tasks at the strategic and operational level;
  • to independently manage a small or medium-sized company or a department in a large company;
  • to apply the conceptual and scientific way of thinking and working to your practice, and thus to gain access to further academic training if required.

The in-depth modules of the practical study Finance and Accounting further develops your skills in the topics;
taxes and customs, financial statements, risk, financing and business valuation, controlling as well as leadership, which you can directly implement in your daily work.

The course is based on a modern educational concept in which you are systematically and individually accompanied in your personal learning process.

Target groups

The course is designed for specialists and managers from all professional groups and sectors who wish to assume strategic and operational management responsibility. Graduates of HFW or FH as well as professionals with experience who want a goal-oriented, in-depth and practical controlling training without aiming for the federal diploma in accounting and controlling. Specialized professionals such as holders of a federal certificate of proficiency broaden their knowledge base through this NDS HF to a comprehensive and networked management perspective.

Job description

As entrepreneurial and networked practitioners with sound knowledge, graduates of the NDS HF take on complex management tasks. They manage a department in a large company or an SME. They are in demand on the job market because they combine generalist management skills with expertise in a specialist area and are able to make and implement sound and prudent decisions at both the operational and strategic levels.

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Prerequisite for participation:

1. holders of the following certificates:

  • Specialists in Finance and Accounting FA
  • Diploma in Business Administration HF
  • Bachelor of Science BFH in Business Administration
  • equivalent degree with corresponding professional experience (admission "sur dossier")

2. professional activity of at least 50%.



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