Achieving your own professional goals and balancing work and study are at the heart of the SIB concept "MaxFlex - maximum flexibility for your learning success at SIB". "MaxFlex" offers students more flexibility regarding the form of instruction and the pursuit of individual learning goals.
Live stream participation in class
If, for personal or professional reasons, it is occasionally not possible for you to attend individual lessons on site, you can follow the lessons via live stream (camera transmission).
Thanks to this additional service you will not miss the lessons. For a high didactic quality, the focus of the lecturers is on the class in the room, participation via live stream is considered passive participation.
The certificate course for "School Administration Specialist SIB/VPZS" is ideal for people,
- who want to acquire administrative know-how for public schools. who want to prepare for challenging tasks in school administration.
Holders of the certificate "School Administration Specialist SIB/VPZS" are... to independently handle administrative tasks in school administration as well as to competently advise and support the school board.
Main objective
The certificate course provides holistic further education in school management with the aim of developing the participants' professional, social and methodological skills.
Job description
Employees in school administrations organize a school administration as a service and competence center for the management of the school operations of municipalities in terms of professional and human resources. They ensure that school operations are managed professionally in administrative and organizational terms and guarantee continuity. They are the hub and service partner for the school presidium, the school administration, the school management, the teaching staff, the house services, the students, the parents, the media and the public.
Promotion of broadly based action competence - with us you will be educated all around!
In our continuing education program, you will gain professional, social and methodological competencies in a balanced and networked manner - this makes it easy for our graduates to meet the complex requirements of school administrations.
Practical transfer already during your studies
At the SIB, practical relevance means not only teaching relevant skills and abilities, but also concrete transfer into the students' everyday professional life.
Already during your studies you will work on current issues from your everyday professional life.