Origin of goods and preferences - determine with certainty

Origin of goods and preferences - determine with certainty

Provider: swiss export

CHF 780
1 day
Expert level



Every day, certificates of origin are issued in Switzerland that do not stand up to closer scrutiny by the authorities. A falsely declared origin of goods can be penalized with a fine, and there is a threat of claims for damages by the recipients of the goods with regard to additional customs duties. It is therefore important that an issuer of such proofs not only knows the regulations but can also implement them in daily practice. The free trade agreements and in particular the list rules may be different, but the procedure for calculating origin is identical.

In this seminar, you will use concrete examples to develop a solid basic knowledge so that you can issue proofs of origin with confidence in the future and face official inquiries with confidence.

Main topics

  • Switzerland's free trade agreements - focus on EU/EFTA
  • Preferential origin
  • Scope and documents (e.g. EUR. 1)
  • Origin criteria
  • Calculation rules
  • Documentation of primary products
  • Approved exporter - rights and obligations
  • Non-preferential origin (VUB)
  • Scope and documents (IP)
  • Origin criteria
  • Customs tariff - Harmonized System (HS), export licenses
  • Case studies/practical exercises

Target group

Employees of the export, R&D, purchasing and logistics departments, export and sales clerks

Every day, certificates of origin are issued in Switzerland that do not stand up to closer scrutiny by the authorities. A falsely declared origin of goods can be penalized with a fine, and there is a threat of claims for damages by the recipients of the goods with regard to additional customs duties. It is therefore important that an issuer of such proofs not only knows the regulations but can also implement them in daily practice. The free trade agreements and in particular the list rules may be different, but the procedure for calculating origin is identical.

In this seminar, you will use concrete examples to develop a solid basic knowledge so that you can issue proofs of origin with confidence in the future and face official inquiries with confidence.

Main topics

  • Switzerland's free trade agreements - focus on EU/EFTA
  • Preferential origin
  • Scope and documents (e.g. EUR. 1)
  • Origin criteria
  • Calculation rules
  • Documentation of primary products
  • Approved exporter - rights and obligations
  • Non-preferential origin (VUB)
  • Scope and documents (IP)
  • Origin criteria
  • Customs tariff - Harmonized System (HS), export licenses
  • Case studies/practical exercises

Target group

Employees of the export, R&D, purchasing and logistics departments, export and sales clerks




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