Provider: University of Applied Sciences Graubünden
Perspectives play an important role in architecture. From every angle, the overall picture changes and so does the perception in detail. What was just visible disappears and new things come into view. With this in mind, you will acquire the architectural basics in the Bachelor of Architecture program and learn to adopt different perspectives in interdisciplinary projects.
Are you the holder of one of the following diplomas?
Federally recognized vocational baccalaureate in technology, architecture, life sciences (formerly technical vocational baccalaureate) or business and services (formerly commercial vocational baccalaureate) or design and art (formerly design vocational baccalaureate).
Federally recognized high school diploma or specialized baccalaureate.
Comparable certificate; the general university entrance qualification (Abitur) and the subject-linked university entrance qualification are equivalent to the Gymnasium baccalaureate. The Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur) is equivalent to the Berufsmaturität.
Do you have professional experience?