The UAS Graubünden is an innovative and entrepreneurial university of applied sciences with around 1700 students. It trains responsible specialists and managers. As a regionally anchored university of applied sciences, the UAS Graubünden convinces with its personal atmosphere beyond the cantonal and national borders. With its applied research, it contributes to innovations, knowledge and solutions for society. The UAS Graubünden offers Bachelor's, Master's and continuing education programs in architecture, civil engineering, digital science, management, multimedia production, photonics, technology as well as tourism. The UAS Graubünden conducts applied research and development in all disciplines, provides consulting and offers services. The institutional accreditation according to HFKG and the labels "Recognised for Excellence" with four stars in the EFQM model as well as ISO 9001 and ISO 29990 form an important basis for the holistic development of the UAS. The UAS from Graubünden has been part of the FHO University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland since 2000. The history of the UAS Graubünden began as early as 1963 with the founding of the Abendtechnikum Chur.
The UAS Graubünden has been an independent legal entity under public law since 1 January 2006.