Provider: University of Applied Sciences Graubünden
Business and administration are placing ever greater demands on specialists and managers. They must be able to contribute to the renewal and development of companies. Entrepreneurial thinking and action with a special focus on sustainability are in demand - this is what we teach you in the Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration.
Do you hold one of the following diplomas?
Federally recognized vocational, grammar school or technical baccalaureate
Comparable certificate; the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) and the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification are equivalent to the Gymnasium baccalaureate. The Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur) is equivalent to the Berufsmaturität.
Federally recognized, subject-specific HF degree
Do you have professional experience?
An apprenticeship or one year of professional experience in the field of business and services