Provider: University of Applied Sciences Graubünden
Bridges, tunnels, hydropower plants or road and rail networks influence our daily lives just as much as residential, office and industrial buildings. Infrastructure that must be planned, built and maintained economically and sustainably. In this context, protection against natural hazards is becoming an increasingly demanding task, which poses great challenges for future civil engineers. In our bachelor's degree program in civil engineering, you will be prepared for this demanding task in a practice-oriented and subject-specific manner.
Are you the holder of one of the following diplomas?
Federally recognized vocational baccalaureate in the field of technology, architecture, life science (formerly technical vocational baccalaureate) or business and services
Federally recognized Gymnasium baccalaureate or specialized baccalaureate
Comparable certificate; the general university entrance qualification (Abitur) and the subject-linked university entrance qualification are equivalent to the Gymnasium baccalaureate. The Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur) is equivalent to the Berufsmaturität.
Do you have professional experience?
For admission to the bachelor's degree program in civil engineering, an apprenticeship or at least one year of practical training in the construction industry is required by law.