Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Digital Supply Chain Management

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Digital Supply Chain Management

Provider: University of Applied Sciences Graubünden

CHF 7’680
4 years
Novice level
Comercialstrasse 24 7000 Chur



Supply chain management is a future profession that shapes the digitalization of the economy. After graduation, many doors are open to you - in all industries, in Switzerland and worldwide.

Leading e-commerce and streaming companies have achieved great economic success by digitizing their supply chains, improving customer satisfaction and sustainability. But many other companies still need support to make themselves fit for the future. With this degree program, you will become a sought-after specialist and manager and learn to support companies in the digital transformation of their core processes.

In your studies, you will learn to sustainably design and manage global value networks. You will learn to predict customer demand and coordinate company activities across the board. This will enable you to ensure that customer needs are met at the right time and at the right price. You will also learn to transform organizations and lead negotiations, projects and teams. To do this, you'll learn to leverage data and Industry 4.0 technologies - from blockchain and 3D printing to IoT and robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Your studies are designed to be practical - you will learn from and with experts from academia, consulting, and leading associations and companies. Thanks to the high degree of flexibility in the organization, you can take advantage of the Digital Supply Chain Management study program no matter where you work and live in Switzerland or in other countries close to the border.


Are you the holder of one of the following diplomas?

  • Federally recognized vocational, high school or specialized baccalaureate.
  • Comparable certificate; the general university entrance qualification (Abitur) and the subject-related university entrance qualification are equivalent to the Gymnasium baccalaureate. The Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur) is equivalent to the Berufsmaturität.

Do you have professional experience?

  • An apprenticeship or one year of professional experience in the fields of technology or business and services.



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