graduate in business administration NDS HF

graduate in business administration NDS HF

Provider: Higher vocational education Uster

CHF 15’000
1 year — 2 years
Novice level



You will learn aspects of business administration, management, personnel management and marketing on a practical level. From this, your ability to exploit potential in the company and successfully manage businesses will develop.


  • As a graduate of the NDS Business Administration you will understand marketing as an entrepreneurial way of thinking and a bridge between the offering company and the market.
  • You will be able to recognize customer needs, create a foundation for competitive advantages and thus secure the long-term success of the company.
  • You lead a team, a group or a department in the line organization of a company.
  • You are able to solve company-specific problems in a networked manner and to bring your actions in line with the company's policy and strategy.
  • You are able to adapt and optimize the supply of the enterprise regarding financing, infrastructure, personnel, information and knowledge to the constantly changing needs of an enterprise.
  • They are able to reconcile product requirements in terms of ecology, quality, risk or technology across the company.
  • They understand how to use these cross-sectional functions for the benefit of customers and how to manage change on an ongoing basis.


With a recognized degree

All persons who have completed a basic course of study in Switzerland can be formally admitted and graduate with a federal diploma. This includes holders of a Technician TS, Technician HF or other HF title. The NDS are also ideal for graduates of higher education (HTL, FH, ETH, Uni) who want to do a theoretically sound and at the same time practice-oriented additional training.
Graduates of a professional examination BP (Federal Diploma FA) or higher professional examination HFP (e.g. Federal Diploma Electrician) can also be admitted and graduate with a federal diploma.

Other prerequisites

Persons without a recognized qualification in higher vocational education (e.g. SIZ, MSC, CCN) are also admitted to the course or modules if they have been working in the field for years and have the necessary prior technical knowledge. You will receive a certificate for each module and a diploma from the school for the entire NDS.
If you have a diploma from another country, please clarify the admission and graduation options directly with the school management.



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