Provider: Higher vocational education Uster
As an automation technician HF, you independently carry out demanding automation tasks. In doing so, you deal with various technologies such as mechanics, pneumatics, hydraulics, sensor technology, drive technology and programmable controllers with display panels and electrical engineering.
In larger control system projects, you will work together with engineers and perform important subtasks.
In project management, you will often work together with engineers and lead employees in the planning, programming and production of control systems. In doing so, you handle complex subtasks yourself. You manage commissioning, prepare documentation and carry out user training.
Automation technicians HF are often found in an SME, where they are responsible for the smooth operation of automated production facilities. They can take on a management role in middle management, work in technical sales or consulting, or even take the leap into self-employment.
The specialized study program is a coordinated program of modules that focuses on the competencies of modern automation technology with networked control systems and visualization of processes. Special importance is attached to methodology, systemic engineering and safety.
Admission takes place after the entrance examination without further examination if a) or b) apply
a. Relevant EFZ according to framework curriculum available
Polymechaniker/-in EFZ
Automobil-Mechatroniker/-in EFZ (Automechaniker/-in)
Anlagen- und Apparatebauer/-in
Produktionsmechaniker/-in EFZ
Zeichner/-/- inEFZ
Design engineer EFZ
Electrician EFZ
Computer scientist EFZ
Electronics technician EFZ
Telematics technician EFZ
Automation technician EFZ
Physics laboratory technician EFZ
b. Other certificate of proficiency or Sek II degree available
Aptitude test on basic knowledge and motivation carried out and recorded AND
Professional activity of at least one year in the professional field OR
Probationary period of 6 months (only possible if professional activity in the professional field)