dipl. Techniker/in HF Elektrotechnik specialization in electronics

dipl. Techniker/in HF Elektrotechnik specialization in electronics

Provider: Higher vocational education Uster

CHF 20’000
3 years
Novice level
Federal diploma / higher technical examination



As a qualified technician in electrical engineering, specializing in electronics, you can develop electronic circuits in analog and digital circuit technology and create software for microcontrollers or PC measuring and test stations. Your range of skills extends from circuits for the smallest signals from sensors to the switching of large currents in power electronics.

Due to the broad education you have the most different possibilities to develop professionally as it suits you. You can design devices or adapt electronic controls according to customer requirements. You can independently plan and build necessary test equipment in a test laboratory.

If you are the type who likes to pass on your knowledge, you can train users of equipment and systems or work in technical sales.

If you enjoy taking on management responsibility, you will be able to take on a middle management role or even set up your own company.

Target group and goals

The degree program is aimed at professionals from technical professions who want to further develop and deepen their skills in the areas of business administration and leadership. In addition, the title "dipl. Techniker/in HF" opens further doors for you on the career ladder. The federally recognized training to become a dipl. Techniker/in HF Elektrotechnik Vertiefung Elektronik, is designed to provide you with broad specialist knowledge in electronics. You will develop and expand your skills in hardware development and hardware-related programming. This will enable you to take a step forward on a technical, professional and personal level.


Admission without further examination if a) or b) apply

a. Relevant EFZ according to framework curriculum available OR
Computer scientist EFZ
Electronics technician EFZ
Physics laboratory technician
Automation technician EFZ
Electrical installer EFZ
Electrical fitter
Polymechanic EFZ
Electrical planner EFZ
Building services planner EFZ
Building services planner

b. Other certificate of proficiency or Sek II degree available
Aptitude test on basic knowledge and motivation carried out and recorded AND professional activity of at least one year in the professional field OR probationary period of 6 months (only possible if professional activity in the professional field)



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